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Class DBC

Ori Roth edited this page Apr 2, 2017 · 3 revisions

Synopsis of Enum DBC

public enum DBC { 
     * Utilities (55)
        static void require(boolean condition) throws Precondition; 
        static void require(boolean condition, String message) throws Precondition; 
        static void require(boolean condition, String format, Object[] args) throws Precondition; 
        static void require(boolean condition, String format, int n) throws Precondition; 
        static void require(boolean condition, String format, int n1, int n2) throws Precondition; 
        static void ensure(boolean condition) throws Postcondition; 
        static void ensure(boolean condition, String message) throws Postcondition; 
        static void ensure(boolean condition, String format, Object[] args) throws Postcondition; 
        static void ensure(boolean condition, String format, int n) throws Postcondition; 
        static void ensure(boolean condition, String format, int n1, int n2) throws Postcondition; 
        static void sure(boolean condition) throws Invariant; 
        static void sure(boolean condition, String message) throws Invariant; 
        static void sure(boolean condition, String format, Object[] args) throws Invariant; 
        static void sure(boolean condition, String format, int n) throws Invariant; 
        static void sure(boolean condition, String format, int n1, int n2) throws Invariant; 
        static void nonnull(Object o) throws NonNull; 
        static void nonnull(Object o, String message) throws NonNull; 
        static void nonnull(Object o, String format, Object[] args) throws NonNull; 
        static void positive(int n) throws Positive; 
        static void positive(double d) throws Positive; 
        static void positive(int n, String message) throws Positive; 
        static void positive(double d, String message) throws Positive; 
        static void positive(int n, String format, Object[] args) throws Positive; 
        static void positive(double d, String format, Object[] args) throws Positive; 
        static void negative(int n) throws Negative; 
        static void negative(double d) throws Negative; 
        static void negative(int n, String message) throws Negative; 
        static void negative(double d, String message) throws Negative; 
        static void negative(int n, String format, Object[] args) throws Negative; 
        static void negative(double d, String format, Object[] args) throws Negative; 
        static void nonnegative(int n) throws NonNegative; 
        static void nonnegative(double d) throws NonNegative; 
        static void nonnegative(int n, String message) throws NonNegative; 
        static void nonnegative(double d, String message) throws NonNegative; 
        static void nonnegative(int n, String format, Object[] args) throws NonNegative; 
        static void nonnegative(double d, String format, Object[] args) throws NonNegative; 
        static void nonpositive(int n) throws NonPositive; 
        static void nonpositive(double d) throws NonPositive; 
        static void nonpositive(int n, String message) throws NonPositive; 
        static void nonpositive(double d, String message) throws NonPositive; 
        static void nonpositive(int n, String format, Object[] args) throws NonPositive; 
        static void nonpositive(double d, String format, Object[] args) throws NonPositive; 
        static void unused(int _); 
        static void unused(double _); 
        static void unused(Object[] __); 
        static void unreachable() throws Reachability; 
        static void unreachable(String message) throws Reachability; 
        static void unreachable(String format, int n) throws Reachability; 
        static void unreachable(String format, int n1, int n2) throws Reachability; 
        static void unreachable(String format, Object[] args) throws Reachability; 
        static void unreachable(Exception e) throws Reachability; 
        static void checkInvariant(Checkable c); 
        static void warn(boolean condition, String s); 
        static void warn(String s); 
        static void todo(String[] args); 
     * Nested types (3)
        abstract static interface Checkable { ... } 
        static final class Variant { ... } 
        abstract static class Bug extends RuntimeException { ... } 

Input types: Checkable, Exception.

Exception types: Invariant, Negative, NonNegative, NonNull, NonPositive, Positive, Postcondition, Precondition, Reachability.

Synopsis of Interface DBC.Checkable

public interface DBC.Checkable { 
     * Type (1)
        void invariant(); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Variant

public static final class DBC.Variant { 
     * Forge (1)
        Variant(int value) throws Initial; 
     * Type (2)
        void check(int newValue) throws Nondecreasing, Underflow; 
        int value(); 

Exception types: Initial, Nondecreasing, Underflow.

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug

public abstract static class DBC.Bug extends RuntimeException { 
     * Forge (2)
        Bug(String message); 
        Bug(Exception e); 
     * Nested types (2)
        abstract static class Contract extends Bug { ... } 
        abstract static class Assertion extends Bug { ... } 

Input types: Exception.

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Contract

public abstract static class DBC.Bug.Contract extends Bug { 
     * Nested types (2)
        static final class Precondition extends Contract { ... } 
        static final class Postcondition extends Contract { ... } 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Contract.Precondition

public static final class DBC.Bug.Contract.Precondition extends Contract { 
     * Forge (3)
        Precondition(String message); 
        Precondition(String format, Object[] args); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Contract.Postcondition

public static final class DBC.Bug.Contract.Postcondition extends Contract { 
     * Forge (3)
        Postcondition(String message); 
        Postcondition(String format, Object[] args); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion

public abstract static class DBC.Bug.Assertion extends Bug { 
     * Forge (2)
        Assertion(Exception e); 
        Assertion(String message); 
     * Nested types (4)
        static final class Reachability extends Assertion { ... } 
        static final class Invariant extends Assertion { ... } 
        abstract static class Value extends Assertion { ... } 
        abstract static class Variant extends Assertion { ... } 

Input types: Exception.

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Reachability

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Reachability extends Assertion { 
     * Forge (4)
        Reachability(String message); 
        Reachability(String[] args); 
        Reachability(String format, Object[] args); 
        Reachability(Exception e); 

Input types: Exception.

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Invariant

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Invariant extends Assertion { 
     * Forge (3)
        Invariant(String message); 
        Invariant(String format, Object[] args); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value

public abstract static class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value extends Assertion { 
     * Forge (3)
        Value(String message); 
        Value(String format, Object[] args); 
     * Nested types (2)
        static final class NonNull extends Value { ... } 
        abstract static class Numerical extends Value { ... } 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull extends Value { 
     * Forge (3)
        NonNull(String message); 
        NonNull(String format, Object[] args); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical

public abstract static class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical extends Value { 
     * Forge (1)
        Numerical(String expected, double d, String message); 
     * Nested types (4)
        static final class Positive extends Numerical { ... } 
        static final class Negative extends Numerical { ... } 
        static final class NonPositive extends Numerical { ... } 
        static final class NonNegative extends Numerical { ... } 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive extends Numerical { 
     * Forge (6)
        Positive(int n, String message); 
        Positive(double d, String message); 
        Positive(int n); 
        Positive(double d); 
        Positive(int n, String format, Object[] args); 
        Positive(double d, String format, Object[] args); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative extends Numerical { 
     * Forge (6)
        Negative(int n, String message); 
        Negative(double d, String message); 
        Negative(int n); 
        Negative(double d); 
        Negative(int n, String format, Object[] args); 
        Negative(double d, String format, Object[] args); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive extends Numerical { 
     * Forge (6)
        NonPositive(int n, String message); 
        NonPositive(double d, String message); 
        NonPositive(int n); 
        NonPositive(double d); 
        NonPositive(int n, String format, Object[] args); 
        NonPositive(double d, String format, Object[] args); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative extends Numerical { 
     * Forge (6)
        NonNegative(int n, String message); 
        NonNegative(double d, String message); 
        NonNegative(int n); 
        NonNegative(double d); 
        NonNegative(int n, String format, Object[] args); 
        NonNegative(double d, String format, Object[] args); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Variant

public abstract static class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Variant extends Assertion { 
     * Forge (3)
        Variant(String message); 
        Variant(String format, int n); 
        Variant(String format, int n1, int n2); 
     * Nested types (3)
        static final class Initial extends Variant { ... } 
        static final class Nondecreasing extends Variant { ... } 
        static final class Underflow extends Variant { ... } 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Variant.Initial

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Variant.Initial extends Variant { 
     * Forge (1)
        Initial(int value); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Variant.Nondecreasing

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Variant.Nondecreasing extends Variant { 
     * Forge (1)
        Nondecreasing(int newValue, int oldValue); 

Synopsis of Class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Variant.Underflow

public static final class DBC.Bug.Assertion.Variant.Underflow extends Variant { 
     * Forge (1)
        Underflow(int newValue); 


// SSDLPedia

import static;

import java.util.Formatter;

 * A simple implementation of design by contract services. Violations are
 * reported to System.err. Error descriptions are passed by a
 * printf like argument syntax. Services are often used with
 * static import.
 * Author: Yossi Gil (
 * See:  11/01/2006)
@Utility public enum DBC {
    // A namespace: no values to this enum
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking preconditions.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * Bug.Contract.Precondition A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void require(final boolean condition) throws Bug.Contract.Precondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Precondition();
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking preconditions. If
     * the precondition fails, then a user supplied message is associated with
     * the thrown exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Contract.Precondition A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void require(final boolean condition, final String message) throws Bug.Contract.Precondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Precondition(message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking preconditions. If
     * the precondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message (generated
     * from printf like arguments) is associated with the thrown
     * exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Contract.Precondition A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
     * @see #require(boolean, String, int)
     * @see #require(boolean, String, int, int)
    public static void require(final boolean condition, final String format, final Object... args) throws Bug.Contract.Precondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Precondition(format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking preconditions. If
     * the precondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message (generated
     * from one integer parameter) is associated with the thrown exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * n an int to be passed to the format string
     * Bug.Contract.Precondition A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
     * @see #require(boolean, String, int, int)
    public static void require(final boolean condition, final String format, final int n) throws Bug.Contract.Precondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Precondition(format, box(n));
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking preconditions. If
     * the precondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message (generated
     * from two integer parameters) is associated with the thrown exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * n1 the first int to be passed to the format
     *            string
     * n2 the second int to be passed to the format
     *            string
     * Bug.Contract.Precondition A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void require(final boolean condition, final String format, final int n1, final int n2)
            throws Bug.Contract.Precondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Precondition(format, box(n1), box(n2));
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking postconditions.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * Bug.Contract.Postcondition A RuntimeException to be
     *             thrown in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void ensure(final boolean condition) throws Bug.Contract.Postcondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Postcondition();
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking postconditions.
     * If the postcondition fails, then a user supplied message is associated
     * with the thrown exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Contract.Postcondition A RuntimeException to be
     *             thrown in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void ensure(final boolean condition, final String message) throws Bug.Contract.Postcondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Precondition(message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking postconditions.
     * If the postcondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message
     * (generated from printf like arguments) is associated with
     * the thrown exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Contract.Postcondition A RuntimeException to be
     *             thrown in the case condition was
     *             false
     * @see #ensure(boolean, String, int)
     * @see #ensure(boolean, String, int, int)
    public static void ensure(final boolean condition, final String format, final Object... args) throws Bug.Contract.Postcondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Postcondition(format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking postconditions.
     * If the postcondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message
     * (generated from one integer parameter) is associated with the thrown
     * exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * n an int to be passed to the format string
     * Bug.Contract.Postcondition A RuntimeException to be
     *             thrown in the case condition was
     *             false
     * @see #ensure(boolean, String, int, int)
    public static void ensure(final boolean condition, final String format, final int n) throws Bug.Contract.Postcondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Postcondition(format, box(n));
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking postconditions.
     * If the postcondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message
     * (generated from two integer parameters) is associated with the thrown
     * exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * n1 the first int to be passed to the format
     *            string
     * n2 the second int to be passed to the format
     *            string
     * Bug.Contract.Postcondition A RuntimeException to be
     *             thrown in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void ensure(final boolean condition, final String format, final int n1, final int n2)
            throws Bug.Contract.Postcondition {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Contract.Postcondition(format, box(n1), box(n2));
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking assertions.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * Bug.Assertion.Invariant A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void sure(final boolean condition) throws Bug.Assertion.Invariant {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Invariant();
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking assertions. If
     * the postcondition fails, then a user supplied message is associated with
     * the thrown exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Invariant A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void sure(final boolean condition, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Invariant {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Invariant(message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking assertions. If
     * the postcondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message
     * (generated from printf like arguments) is associated with
     * the thrown exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Invariant A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
     * @see #sure(boolean, String, int)
     * @see #sure(boolean, String, int, int)
    public static void sure(final boolean condition, final String format, final Object... args) throws Bug.Assertion.Invariant {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Invariant(format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking assertions If the
     * postcondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message (generated
     * from one integer parameter) is associated with the thrown exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * n an int to be passed to the format string
     * Bug.Assertion.Invariant A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
     * @see #sure(boolean, String, int, int)
    public static void sure(final boolean condition, final String format, final int n) throws Bug.Assertion.Invariant {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Invariant(format, box(n));
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking assertions. If
     * the postcondition fails, then a user supplied formatted message
     * (generated from two integer parameters) is associated with the thrown
     * exception.
     * condition if false, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * n1 the first int to be passed to the format
     *            string
     * n2 the second int to be passed to the format
     *            string
     * Bug.Assertion.Invariant A RuntimeException to be thrown
     *             in the case condition was
     *             false
    public static void sure(final boolean condition, final String format, final int n1, final int n2)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Invariant {
        if (!condition)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Invariant(format, box(n1), box(n2));
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking objects that
     * should never be null.
     * o if null, program will halt.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull in case o was
     *             null
    public static void nonnull(final Object o) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull {
        if (o == null)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull();
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking objects that
     * should never be null.
     * o if null, program will halt.
     * message an error message to be associated with the failure
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull in case o was
     *             null
    public static void nonnull(final Object o, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull {
        if (o == null)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull(message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking objects that
     * should never be null.
     * o if null, program will halt.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull in case o was
     *             null
    public static void nonnull(final Object o, final String format, final Object... args) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull {
        if (o == null)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.NonNull(format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be positive.
     * n a value which must be positive
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive in case n was
     *             nonpositive
    public static void positive(final int n) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive {
        if (n <= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive(n);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking floating point
     * numbers which must be positive.
     * d a value which must be positive
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive in case d was
     *             nonpositive
    public static void positive(final double d) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive {
        if (d <= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive(d);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be positive.
     * n if negative program will halt.
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive in case n was
     *             nonpositive
    public static void positive(final int n, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive {
        if (n <= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive(n, message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be positive.
     * d a value which must be positive
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive in case n was
     *             nonpositive
    public static void positive(final double d, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive {
        if (d <= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive(d, message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be negative.
     * n a value which must be positive
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive in case d was
     *             nonpositive
    public static void positive(final int n, final String format, final Object... args)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive {
        if (n <= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive(n, format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be negative.
     * d a value which must be positive
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive in case d was
     *             not positive
    public static void positive(final double d, final String format, final Object... args)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive {
        if (d <= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Positive(d, format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be negative.
     * n a value which must be negative
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative in case n was
     *             nonnegative
    public static void negative(final int n) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative {
        if (n >= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative(n);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be negative.
     * d a value which must be negative
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative in case d was
     *             nonnegative
    public static void negative(final double d) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative {
        if (d >= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative(d);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be negative.
     * n a value which must be negative
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative in case n was
     *             nonnegative
    public static void negative(final int n, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative {
        if (n >= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative(n, message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be negative.
     * d a value which must be negative
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative in case d was
     *             nonnegative
    public static void negative(final double d, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative {
        if (d >= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative(d, message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be negative.
     * n a value which must be negative
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative in case n was
     *             nonnegative
    public static void negative(final int n, final String format, final Object... args)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative {
        if (n >= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative(n, format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be negative.
     * d a value which must be negative
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative in case d was
     *             nonnegative
    public static void negative(final double d, final String format, final Object... args)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative {
        if (d >= 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.Negative(d, format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonnegative.
     * n a value which must be nonnegative
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative in case n
     *             was negative
    public static void nonnegative(final int n) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative {
        if (n < 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative(n);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonnegative.
     * d a value which must be nonnegative
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative in case d
     *             was negative
    public static void nonnegative(final double d) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative {
        if (d < 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative(d);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonnegative.
     * n a value which must be nonnegative
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative in case n
     *             was negative
    public static void nonnegative(final int n, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative {
        if (n < 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative(n, message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonnegative.
     * d a value which must be nonnegative
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative in case n
     *             was negative
    public static void nonnegative(final double d, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative {
        if (d < 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative(d, message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonnegative.
     * n a value which must be nonnegative
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative in case n
     *             was negative
    public static void nonnegative(final int n, final String format, final Object... args)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative {
        if (n < 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative(n, format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonnegative.
     * d a value which must be nonnegative
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative in case d
     *             was negative
    public static void nonnegative(final double d, final String format, final Object... args)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative {
        if (d < 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonNegative(d, format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonpositive.
     * n a value which must be nonpositive
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive in case n
     *             was positive
    public static void nonpositive(final int n) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive {
        if (n > 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive(n);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonpositive.
     * d a value which must be nonpositive
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive in case d
     *             was positive
    public static void nonpositive(final double d) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive {
        if (d > 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive(d);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonpositive.
     * n a value which must be nonpositive
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive in case n
     *             was positive
    public static void nonpositive(final int n, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive {
        if (n > 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive(n, message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonpositive.
     * d a value which must be nonpositive
     * message text to be associated with the exception thrown in the
     *            case of an error.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive in case d
     *             was positive
    public static void nonpositive(final double d, final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive {
        if (d > 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive(d, message);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonpositive.
     * n a value which must be nonpositive
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive in case n
     *             was positive
    public static void nonpositive(final int n, final String format, final Object... args)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive {
        if (n > 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive(n, format, args);
     * A possibly non-returning method to be used for checking integers which
     * must be nonpositive.
     * d a value which must be nonpositive
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * args printf-like arguments to be used with the format
     *            string.
     * Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive in case d
     *             was positive
    public static void nonpositive(final double d, final String format, final Object... args)
            throws Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive {
        if (d > 0)
            throw new Bug.Assertion.Value.Numerical.NonPositive(d, format, args);
     * A do nothing method to document the fact that an int
     * parameter (or local variable) is not used by a function, and to suppress
     * the warning.
     * _ the unused parameter
    public static void unused(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final int _) {
        // empty
     * A do nothing method to document the fact that adouble
     * parameter (or local variable) is not used by a function, and to suppress
     * the warning.
     * _ the unused parameter
    public static void unused(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final double _) {
        // empty
     * A do nothing method to document the fact that some Object(s)
     * parameter(s) (or local variable(s)) are not used by a function. Calling
     * this method saves the caller the trouble of suppressing a "variable
     * unused" warnings on the argument(s).
     * __ the unused parameters
    public static void unused(@SuppressWarnings("unused") final Object... __) {
        // Empty
     * A never-returning method to be used in points of code which should never
     * be reached.
     * Bug.Assertion.Reachability will always be thrown
    public static void unreachable() throws Bug.Assertion.Reachability {
        throw new Bug.Assertion.Reachability("");
     * A never-returning method to be used in points of code which should never
     * be reached.
     * message a string describing the violation
     * Bug.Assertion.Reachability will always be thrown
    public static void unreachable(final String message) throws Bug.Assertion.Reachability {
        throw new Bug.Assertion.Reachability(message);
     * A never-returning method to be used in points of code which should never
     * be reached.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * n an int to be passed to the format string
     * Bug.Assertion.Reachability will always be thrown
    public static void unreachable(final String format, final int n) throws Bug.Assertion.Reachability {
        throw new Bug.Assertion.Reachability(StringUtils.sprintf(format, box(n)));
     * A never-returning method to be used in points of code which should never
     * be reached.
     * format format string to be associated with the exception thrown in
     *            the case of an error.
     * n1 the first int to be passed to the format
     *            string
     * n2 the second int to be passed to the format
     *            string
     * Bug.Assertion.Reachability will always be thrown
    public static void unreachable(final String format, final int n1, final int n2) throws Bug.Assertion.Reachability {
        throw new Bug.Assertion.Reachability(StringUtils.sprintf(format, box(n1), box(n2)));
    public static void unreachable(final String format, final Object... args) throws Bug.Assertion.Reachability {
        throw new Bug.Assertion.Reachability(StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
     * A never-returning method intended for use in catch blocks around code
     * whose declared exception will never be thrown (unless for bugs).
     * e an exception describing
     * Bug.Assertion.Reachability will always be thrown
    public static void unreachable(final Exception e) throws Bug.Assertion.Reachability {
        throw new Bug.Assertion.Reachability(e);
     * Exercise the Checkable#invariant()
     * c a checkable object whose invariant should be checked
    public static void checkInvariant(final Checkable c) {
    public static void warn(final boolean condition, final String s) {
        if (condition)
    public static void warn(final String s) {
     * A never-returning method indicating code sites with missing functionality
     * args a list of strings in a printf like format
     *            describing the task to be done.
    public static void todo(final String... args) {
        error("Feature unsupported. ", args);
     * A possibly non returning method used in class implementation.
     * cond If false, method will not return and
     *            print error message.
     * kind A string describing an error kind, e.g., pre-condition
     *            failure
     * args Additional strings describing an error kind in a
     *            printf format.
    static void error(final boolean cond, final String kind, final String... args) {
        if (cond)
        error(kind, args);
    private static void error(final String kind, final String... args) {
        final String s = buildMessage(kind, args);
    private static String buildMessage(final String kind, final String... args) {
        String $ = kind + " ";
        switch (args.length) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
                $ += args[0];
                final Object os[] = new Object[args.length - 1];
                for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++)
                    os[i - 1] = args[i];
                final Formatter f = new Formatter();
                f.format(args[0], os);
                $ += f.out();
        return $;
     * An interface representing a class with an invariant.
     * Author: Yossi Gil
     * See:  11/04/2006
    public static interface Checkable {
         * This function represents the invariant of the implementing class. It
         * returns nothing. However, if the invariant is violated, a runtime
         * exception aborts execution.
        void invariant();
     * A class to emulate Eiffel's variant construct. To use,
     * create an object of this type, initializing it with the variant's first
     * value , and then call function #check(int) successively.
     * Author: Yossi Gil
     * See:  05/06/2007
    public static final class Variant {
        private int value;
         * Initialize a variant, with a specified value
         * value a non-negative value
         * Bug.Assertion.Variant.Initial in case initial value is
         *             negative
        public Variant(final int value) throws Bug.Assertion.Variant.Initial {
            if (value < 0)
                throw new Bug.Assertion.Variant.Initial(value);
            this.value = value;
         * reset the variant value to a new, smaller value value; abort if the
         * new value is negative or no lesser than the previous value.
         * newValue the next value of this variant.
         * Bug.Assertion.Variant.Nondecreasing in case the variant's
         *             value did not decrease
         * Bug.Assertion.Variant.Underflow in case the variant's value
         *             went negative
        public void check(final int newValue) throws Bug.Assertion.Variant.Nondecreasing, Bug.Assertion.Variant.Underflow {
            if (newValue >= value)
                throw new Bug.Assertion.Variant.Nondecreasing(newValue, value);
            if (newValue < 0)
                throw new Bug.Assertion.Variant.Underflow(newValue);
            value = newValue;
         * inspect the variant's value.
         * Return: a non-negative integer which is the current value of this
         *         object
        public int value() {
            return value;
     * The base of all exception classes thrown as a result of violations of
     * contracts, assertions, and the such. This class derives from
     * RuntimeException since errors of this sort are programming-, not
     * runtime- errors. Programming errors cannot be corrected at runtime, and
     * hence all errors of this class and its descendants should not be caught
     * by ordinary applications.
     * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
     * See:  04/08/2008
    public abstract static class Bug extends RuntimeException {
         * instantiate this class with a given textual description
         * message a description of the exceptional situation
        public Bug(final String message) {
         * convert an ordinary exception into this type.
         * e the exception to convert
        public Bug(final Exception e) {
         * Abstract base class of contract (pre- and post-condition) violations
         * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
         * See:  04/08/2008
        public abstract static class Contract extends Bug {
             * args
            protected Contract(final String... args) {
            private static final long serialVersionUID = -8228321063991272253L;
             * Thrown in case a pre-condition was not satisfied
             * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
             * See:  04/08/2008
            public static final class Precondition extends Contract {
                 * instantiate this class with no textual description
                public Precondition() {
                 * instantiate this class with a given textual description
                 * message a description of the exceptional situation
                public Precondition(final String message) {
                public Precondition(final String format, final Object... args) {
                    super(StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                private static final long serialVersionUID = -5317027949287654746L;
             * Thrown in case a post-condition was not satisfied
             * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
             * See:  04/08/2008
            public static final class Postcondition extends Contract {
                 * instantiate this class with no textual description
                public Postcondition() {
                 * instantiate this class with a given textual description
                 * message a description of the exceptional situation
                public Postcondition(final String message) {
                public Postcondition(final String format, final Object... args) {
                    super(StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                private static final long serialVersionUID = -3177288122092390767L;
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 8737036163937047206L;
         * This is the root of all assertion related exceptions, including
         * contract violations.
         * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
         * See:  04/08/2008
        public abstract static class Assertion extends Bug {
             * convert an ordinary exception into this kind.
             * e the exception to convert
            public Assertion(final Exception e) {
             * instantiate this class with a given textual description
             * message a description of the exceptional situation
            public Assertion(final String message) {
             * Thrown in case execution reached code that should never be
             * executed
             * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
             * See:  04/08/2008
            public static final class Reachability extends Assertion {
                 * instantiate this class with a given textual description
                 * message a description of the exceptional situation
                public Reachability(final String message) {
                 * Create a new instance, with a message composed by a format
                 * and a string
                 * args the arguments making the message in a
                 *            printf like format
                public Reachability(final String... args) {
                public Reachability(final String format, final Object[] args) {
                    super(StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                 * Convert an arbitrary exception to this type
                 * e the exception to convert
                public Reachability(final Exception e) {
                private static final long serialVersionUID = -1522565621962121759L;
            private static final long serialVersionUID = -7893002781575729383L;
             * Thrown in case a class invariant was violated.
             * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
             * See:  04/08/2008
            public static final class Invariant extends Assertion {
                 * instantiate this class with no textual description
                public Invariant() {
                 * instantiate this class with a given textual description
                 * message a description of the exceptional situation
                public Invariant(final String message) {
                public Invariant(final String format, final Object... args) {
                    super(StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 3613179176640712216L;
             * Abstract base class of all exceptions thrown in case a value
             * violated a condition placed on it.
             * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
             * See:  04/08/2008
            public abstract static class Value extends Assertion {
                 * instantiate this class with no textual description
                public Value() {
                 * instantiate this class with a given textual description
                 * message a description of the exceptional situation
                public Value(final String message) {
                public Value(final String format, final Object... args) {
                    super(StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                private static final long serialVersionUID = -5932674935888850461L;
                 * Thrown in case a value was null, when it
                 * was expected to be non-code>null</tt>.
                 * Author: Yossi Gil
                 * See:  18/01/2008
                public static final class NonNull extends Value {
                     * instantiate this class with no textual description
                    public NonNull() {
                     * instantiate this class with a given textual description
                     * message a description of the exceptional situation
                    public NonNull(final String message) {
                    public NonNull(final String format, final Object... args) {
                        super(format, args);
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6739260930609363921L;
                 * Abstract base class of exceptions thrown when a numerical
                 * value did not satisfy conditions assumed on it.
                 * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
                 * See:  04/08/2008
                public abstract static class Numerical extends Value {
                    Numerical(final String expected, final int n, final String message) {
                        super(StringUtils.sprintf("Found %d while expecting a %s integer. ", box(n), expected) + message);
                    public Numerical(final String expected, final double d, final String message) {
                        super(StringUtils.sprintf("Found %g while expecting a %s number. ", box(d), expected) + message);
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 6004150110997223579L;
                     * Thrown when a numerical value assumed to be positive, was
                     * not.
                     * Author: Yossi Gil
                     * See:  23/01/2008
                    public static final class Positive extends Numerical {
                        static final String expected = "positive";
                        public Positive(final int n, final String message) {
                            super(expected, n, message);
                        public Positive(final double d, final String message) {
                            super(expected, d, message);
                        public Positive(final int n) {
                            this(n, "");
                        public Positive(final double d) {
                            this(d, "");
                        public Positive(final int n, final String format, final Object... args) {
                            this(n, StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                        public Positive(final double d, final String format, final Object... args) {
                            this(d, StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = -5312054045684211451L;
                     * Thrown when a numerical value assumed to be negative, was
                     * not.
                     * Author: Yossi Gil
                     * See:  23/01/2008
                    public static final class Negative extends Numerical {
                        static final String expected = "neative";
                        public Negative(final int n, final String message) {
                            super(expected, n, message);
                        public Negative(final double d, final String message) {
                            super(expected, d, message);
                        public Negative(final int n) {
                            this(n, "");
                        public Negative(final double d) {
                            this(d, "");
                        public Negative(final int n, final String format, final Object... args) {
                            this(n, StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                        public Negative(final double d, final String format, final Object... args) {
                            this(d, StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 4550076451966877958L;
                     * Author: Yossi Gil
                     * See:  23/01/2008
                    public static final class NonPositive extends Numerical {
                        static final String expected = "nonpositive";
                        public NonPositive(final int n, final String message) {
                            super("nonpositive", n, message);
                        public NonPositive(final double d, final String message) {
                            super("nonpositive", d, message);
                        public NonPositive(final int n) {
                            this(n, "");
                        public NonPositive(final double d) {
                            this(d, "");
                        public NonPositive(final int n, final String format, final Object... args) {
                            this(n, StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                        public NonPositive(final double d, final String format, final Object... args) {
                            this(d, StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = -8815781684971495019L;
                     * Thrown when a numerical value assumed to be non-negative,
                     * was not.
                     * Author: Yossi Gil
                     * See:  23/01/2008
                    public static final class NonNegative extends Numerical {
                        static final String expected = "nonnegative";
                        public NonNegative(final int n, final String message) {
                            super("expected", n, message);
                        public NonNegative(final double d, final String message) {
                            super("expected", d, message);
                        public NonNegative(final int n) {
                            this(n, "");
                        public NonNegative(final double d) {
                            this(d, "");
                        public NonNegative(final int n, final String format, final Object... args) {
                            this(n, StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                        public NonNegative(final double d, final String format, final Object... args) {
                            this(d, StringUtils.sprintf(format, args));
                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
             * Abstract base class of exceptions thrown when a loop variant
             * failed.
             * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
             * See:  04/08/2008
            public abstract static class Variant extends Assertion {
                 * instantiate this class with a given textual description
                 * message a description of the exceptional situation
                public Variant(final String message) {
                public Variant(final String format, final int n) {
                    this(StringUtils.sprintf(format, "" + n));
                public Variant(final String format, final int n1, final int n2) {
                    this(StringUtils.sprintf(format, "" + n1, "" + n2));
                 *Thrown when the initial value of a loop variant was negative.
                 * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
                 * See:  04/08/2008
                public static final class Initial extends Variant {
                    public Initial(final int value) {
                        super("Initial variant value (%d) is negative", value);
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6719831484164226074L;
                 * Thrown if an iteration of a certain loop failed to decrease
                 * this loop's variant.
                 * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
                 * See:  04/08/2008
                public static final class Nondecreasing extends Variant {
                    public Nondecreasing(final int newValue, final int oldValue) {
                        super("New variant value (%d) should be less than previous value (%d)", newValue, oldValue);
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5006328864309542167L;
                private static final long serialVersionUID = 5055379624378837959L;
                 * Thrown if an iteration of a certain loop tried to make this
                 * loop's variant negative.
                 * Author: Yossi Gil, the Technion.
                 * See:  04/08/2008
                public static final class Underflow extends Variant {
                    public Underflow(final int newValue) {
                        super("New variant value (%d) is negative", newValue);
                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8362864540539118946L;


Metric Value Acronym Explanation
LOC 1470 Lines Of Code Total number of lines in the code
SCC 168 SemiColons Count Total number of semicolon tokens found in the code.
NOT 4329 Number Of Tokens Comments, whitespace and text which cannot be made into a token not included.
VCC 38247 Visible Characters Count The total number of non-white (i.e., not space, tab, newline, carriage return, form feed) characters.
CCC 15902 Code Characters Count Total number of non-white characters in tokens. White space characters in string and character literals are not counted.
UIC 94 Unique Identifiers Count The number of different identifiers found in the code
WHC 11 Weighted Horizontal Complexity A heuritistic on horizontal complexity


Statistic Value
Average token length 3.7
Tokens/line 2.9
Visible characters/line 26
Code characters/line 11
Semicolons/tokens 3%
Comment text percentage 58%

Tokens by kind

Token Kind Occurrences
ID 1335
OTHER 2210
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