This application monitors Group Tracker in ToonHQ, and notice when a group that you want to join has been created.
This application uses kivy for GUI.
Learn more about kivy here.
Enter following command and install kivy libraries.
pip install kivy
Run '' and start the application.
git clone
cd GroupNotificator
Select the check box that you want to notification.
Green lamps shows that the group is available to join, and red lamps is not.
When the new group that you checked in boxes has been made, sound effect notifies you.
Then, go to Group Tracker website and join the group by yourself.
Notifications for following groups are available.
- SOS Shopping VP
- DA Office A
- DA Office B
- DA Office C
- DA Office D
- CJ
- Front 3 Golf Course
- Middle 6 Golf Course
- Back 9 Golf Course
Snow Rabbit
E-mail: [email protected]
Twitter: @SnowRabbit_TTR