Welcome to my homepage !
Stacks use for this portfolio:
- Next.js 14 app directory
- TailwindCss
- Framer Motion
- Three.js
- Prisma
- MongoDB
Languages and tools
- TypeScript
- React hook form
- Zod schema validation
- Headless ui
- Cloudinary
- Pnpm package manager
- Vitest
- Projects are stored in MongoDB and can be uploaded from admin panel.
- Projects can also be edited and removed from the Edit panel.
- Only admin get acces to CRUD operation.
- Authentification with JWT (Jose) using Route Handler, and session with cookie.
- Use ServerAction to create, updated, and delete projects.
- Playground with Zod validation and TypeScript
- Testing new hooks like useTransition, useFormState and useOptimistic.
- Testing playground with Vitest, Happy-dom and React-testing-library (RTL)
Known issues:
- Exit animation shared layout with Framer Motion not working in the App router. (fix with next-transition-router for now)
- as props from Link component didn't work as expected in App router.
Issue with revalidation / router.refresh didn't work as expected in the App router when deployed in Vercel.