There are 6 different commands that you can send to this web server.
There is MIDI Note On, MIDI Note Off, MIDI CC Message, List MIDI Devices, Info, and Quit.
channel: Number from 0 - 15 indicating the channel number you want to connect to.
note: Number from 0 - 128 corresponding to the different midi notes.
velocity: Number from 0 - 128 indicating the velocity.
Example: http://localhost:8080/midi/noteon?deviceName=Propresenter&channel=0¬e=52&velocity=128 deviceName: Name of the device you are wanting to send the message to in a string format exactly like you see when running the list devices command.
channel: Number from 0 - 15 indicating the channel number you want to connect to.
note: Number from 0 - 128 corresponding to the different midi notes.
Example: http://localhost:8080/midi/noteoff?deviceName=Propresenter&channel=0¬e=52
deviceName: Name of the device you are wanting to send the message to in a string format exactly like you see when running the list devices command.
channel: Number from 0 - 15 indicating the channel number you want to connect to.
ccNumber: Number from 0 - 128 corresponding to the different midi notes.
value: Number from 0 - 128 corresponding to the different midi notes.
Example: http://localhost:8080/midi/cc?deviceName=Propresenter&channel=0&ccNumber=15&value=33 Example: http://localhost:8080/midi/list Example: http://localhost:8080/midi/info Example: http://localhost:8080/midi/quit