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The Kook Bot's Plugin framework for Java.
JKook Official Kook Server: Link
- A complete representation of almost everything in Kook
- Powerful design
- Basic Plugin representation
- Very detailed documentation
You should do following steps to prepare the artifacts:
You just need to add the JitPack repository as the one of the repositories in your project.
JKook is a Java "program" and it uses Gradle for compilation.
To compile and install it, you should perform the following steps:
- Install Gradle and Git
- Clone this repository (
git clone
) gradlew build publishToMavenLocal
Create a Gradle project and import dependencies in build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.SNWCreations:JKook:{version}'
should be replaced with the version of the JKook API you need to use
In the end, add the artifact as the dependency in your project.
If you use the artifacts from JitPack, then groupId
is com.github.SNWCreations
, artifactId
is JKook
If you use the artifacts that compiled by yourself, then groupId
is snw
, artifactId
is jkook
All done! You can create your things right now!
We propose this framework to provide a unified standard for the Kook developer community.
Although it is “for Java”, we prefer that the standard be cross-language.
Our Ultimate Goal is to enable developers to use JKook as a development framework for Kook robots in many languages.
To be honest, I designed this just because of interest at the beginning.
I took 20+ days completed the basic design.
The large and small modification and bug fixes took me a few days.
During this time, I have the honor to know some friends, they also provided some help to the development of this project, thanks here.
In the end, I present you with this framework, hoping that it will help you develop your favorite robots.
We hope you can create your own Kook Bot, and then use the Bot to bring happiness to others.
Talk is cheap, make it happen.
The Bukkit Project: The design of the framework is greatly influenced by this project.
Jetbrains: They provide such a great IntelliJ IDEA!