This repository contains the scripts and data to reproduce the results of the work by Vinod et. al. titled "Optimized Multi-Fidelity Machine Learning for Quantum Chemistry" (available at []). The raw data of molecules for the QM7b dataset can be downloaded from []. The rawdata for the Excitation State Energies can be downloaded from [] with explanation present in Vinod et. al. (2023) available at [].
The scripts in this repository and the plots they reproduce are listed below:
generates the Global SLATM representation for the 7211 molecules of the QM7b data.QM7b/
generates data to reproduce Figure 3-5 of the main manuscript and Figure 1 of the supplementary text.QM7b/
generates the single fidelity learning curve from these figures.QM7b/
compares the full o-MFML model and reduced o-MFML model as per the analysis of hte coefficients.ExcitedState/
generates data for Figure 6,7 of the main text, and Figure 2,3 of the Supplementary text.ExcitedState/
generates data for Table 1 in the supplementary text.
All the plotting routines for the QM7b segment are found in QM7b/QM7bPlots.ipynb
and those for the Excitation state can be found in ExcitedState/ExcitedStatePlots.ipynb