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An API documentation generator for Salesforce Apex types and triggers and custom SObjects and fields.


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An API documentation generator for Salesforce Apex types and triggers and custom SObjects and fields.


IcApexDoc is a command-line tool for generation of HTML-based documentation from Salesforce source code and metadata, specifically Apex types and triggers and custom object and field metadata files. Apex type and trigger documentation is derived from declaration signatures and ApexDoc-based documentation comments.

ApexDoc is a simple markup language embedded within Apex documentation comments (/** ... */) and is very similar to comment-based documentation tools for other languages such as JavaDoc and JSDoc.

There are several other implementations of ApexDoc including:

  • ApexDoc - the original implementation from Salesforce Foundation; doesn't seem to be maintained any longer
  • SfApexDoc - A derivative of ApexDoc with support for additional tags and features; doesn't seem to be maintained any longer
  • ApexDocs - A Node.js library and tool that further extends the available tags and markup features

IcApexDoc is based on Illuminated Cloud 2's ApexDoc parser and HTML generator used to support its ApexDoc authoring features. However, while Illuminated Cloud 2 is a commercial product, IcApexDoc is completely free to use and is planned for an eventual (hopefully soon) open source release.


Documentation generated by IcApexDoc shows extensive details for all declarations found by the command-line usage including hyperlinking for declaration types in signatures, explicit references in ApexDoc markup, and even links to Salesforce's Web-based documentation for system Apex types and standard SObjects.

The resulting documentation includes a primary landing page called Overview (corresponding to the generated file index.html) that lists all Apex types and triggers and all custom SObjects found in the project source and metadata files. Additionally other tabs are generated for each type of declaration, i.e., Classes, Enums, Interfaces, Triggers, and SObjects, to facilitate more focused cross-sections of the project.


Clicking on a type, trigger, or SObject link navigates to the specific page for that declaration which includes more header-level details for the top-level declaration as well as a list of all visible contained members. Members are listed together in a summary view but are also included in more detail below, broken out by declaration type, i.e., Constructors, Fields, Properties, and Methods.


A Groups tab is added (corresponding to the generated file groups.html) for all @group ApexDoc tag values found in type or trigger declarations with descriptions for each group optionally derived from group content files and links to all members of each respective group.


Finally, an Index tab is added (corresponding to the generated file index-all.html) with all declarations partitioned by the first character of the unqualified declaration name to provide efficient access to the documentation for class constants, utility methods, SObject fields, etc., by simple name.


Documentation for each generated declaration is based on its unique signature, i.e., annotations, modifiers, type, name, parameters, and bidirectional inheritance relationships, as well as the user-defined documentation. For Apex declarations, the user-defined documentation is based on an ApexDoc documentation comment immediately preceding the declaration itself; for SObjects and their fields, the user-defined documentation is based on the description and label elements found in the corresponding metadata XML files.


ApexDoc comments are Apex block comments found immediately preceding any Apex top-level or body declaration that begin with /** (note two stars instead of just the one required to begin a normal block comment), e.g.:

 * Common interface for two-dimensional closed shapes.
public interface Shape {
     * Computes the shape perimeter.
     * @return the perimeter
    Double getPerimeter();

ApexDoc comments can use the following to provide additional information and formatting:

  • HTML markup - HTML markup can be used directly within ApexDoc comments. Note that this means that HTML escaping rules also apply to ApexDoc comments, e.g., use HTML entities as required. It is recommended that HTML markup in ApexDoc comments be kept simple to ensure that they render well in tools such as IDEs which may use simpler HTML rendering engines.
  • Markdown - Simple Markdown syntax can be used directly within ApexDoc comments and overview file contents
  • ApexDoc tags - Like JavaDoc, JSDoc, etc., ApexDoc supports a number of tags of the form @tag [<params>] that specify information about the documented declaration.
  • ApexDoc macros - ApexDoc also supports a number of simple macros to simplify declaration cross-referencing and even code/preformatted blocks.

Markdown support

IcApexDoc supports a subset of Markdown syntax for formatting of ApexDoc comments and overview file contents. The following Markdown features are supported:

  • Bold - **text** or __text__
  • Italic - *text* or _text_
  • Strikethrough - ~~text~~
  • Code - `code` or `` `codeWithBackticks` `` (also see Fenced code blocks below)
  • Composition - The mechanisms above can be used in composition to style text as desired with the following limitations:
    • **bold**/*italic* and __bold__/_italic_ cannot be used in immediate composition with one another; use **bold**/_italic_ or __bold__/*italic* instead.
    • `code` must be the innermost applied style as it renders its contents exactly.
  • Heading text - # (h1) to ###### (h6) followed by heading text, e.g.:
    # Heading 1
    ## Heading 2
    ### Heading 3
    #### Heading 4
    ##### Heading 5
    ###### Heading 6
  • Block quotes
    > line1
    > line2
    > ...
  • Fenced code blocks
    • The language is optional. When provided, language-specific syntax highlighting is implemented using highlight.js, and a value of apex automatically acts as a synonym for java. I may contribute an Apex-specific grammar to that project so that the language is handled in a first-class manner with syntax highlighting of Apex-specific keywords, etc.
    • Additional balanced backticks can be used to allow rendering of fenced code blocks within a fenced code block, e.g.:
  • Images - ![alt text](image.ext)
  • Hyperlinks - [link text](url)
    • Hyperlinks can be references to Apex types and their members using the same reference syntax as in the {@link <reference>} and <<reference>> macros.
  • Horizontal rules - --- (three or more dashes) on a separate line
  • Tables
    | Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
    | -------- | -------- | -------- |
    | Data 1.1 | Data 1.2 | Data 1.3 |
    | Data 2.1 | Data 2.2 | Data 2.3 |
    • Table cell delimiters (|) can be included in table cells by escaping them (\|) or including them in code blocks (`A|B`).
    • Multi-line cell data can be provided by using HTML markup that results in multiple lines, e.g., <br/> or <p/> tags, raw HTML ordered/unordered lists, etc., all on the same line.
  • Ordered lists
    1. list item 1
    2. list item 2
       with multiple lines
    3. list item 3
    The numbers used to begin items are unimportant, and 1. can be used pervasively to avoid having to renumber as items are inserted and removed. List items can span multiple lines, but continuation lines must be indented at least one space more than the line that begins the list item.
  • Unordered lists
    * list item 1
    * list item 2
      with multiple lines
    * list item 3
    List items may begin with *, +, or -. List items can span multiple lines, but continuation lines must be indented at least one space more than the line that begins the list item.
  • Ordered/unordered list nesting - List items indented relative to the immediate proceeding list item start a nested list of the specified type, e.g.:
    * unordered list item 1
      - unordered list item 1.1
        1. ordered list item 1.1.1
        2. ordered list item 1.1.2
      - unordered list item 1.2
    * unordered list item 2
      1. ordered list item 2.1
      1. ordered list item 2.2
         + unordered list item 2.2.1
         + unordered list item 2.2.2

Support for other Markdown features will likely be added in the future. Please feel free to provide feedback on specific Markdown syntax that isn't yet available but would be useful in documenting your Apex types and triggers.

ApexDoc tags

The following ApexDoc tags are supported:

  • @author <value> - Specifies author information.
  • @date <value> - Specifies date information.
  • @deprecated [<description>] - Denotes the declaration as deprecated with optional information about the deprecation such as a suggested alternative; note that this is different from the @Deprecated Apex annotation which can only be applied to global symbols in released managed packages while the ApexDoc tag can be applied to any declaration to communicate that it should no longer be used.
  • @description <description> - Specifies a description for the documented declaration. Note that this tag is optional (and discouraged) in IcApexDoc. If not present, all text before the first ApexDoc tag will be used as the description for the documented declaration.
  • @example <example> - Provides an example usage of the documented declaration. The example is automatically formatted as code.
  • @exception/@throws <exceptionTypeName> [<description>] - Documents an exception that is thrown by the method or constructor with an optional description of the conditions under which it's thrown. NOTE: IcApexDoc accepts both @exception and @throws for the list of thrown exceptions.
  • @group <groupName> - Provides a name that can be used to group common declarations together. See Group Content Files for more information and the role of the @group-content ApexDoc tag in IcApexDoc.
  • @group-content <filePath> - The @group-content tag is recognized by IcApexDoc but is not used. See Group Content Files for more information about how group content is resolved by IcApexDoc.
  • @param <paramName> [<paramDescription>] - Describes the respective formal parameter of the documented constructor or method. @param tags should be listed in the same order as the respective formal parameters.
  • @return/@returns <description> - Describes the value(s) returned by the documented method. NOTE: The preferred form is @return but both are supported by IcApexDoc.
  • @see <typeName>[.<memberName>] [<description>] - Adds a reference to a related type or member with an optional description of the relationship.
  • @since <value> - Specifies a version, date, etc., from which the documented declaration should be considered available.

ApexDoc macros

The following ApexDoc macros are supported:

  • {@link <reference>} - Creates a link to the specified type or member.
  • <<reference>> - Creates a link to the specified type or member. NOTE: This macro is specifically <<...>>; the angle brackets do not frame a variable.
  • {@code <code>} - Formats the text as code.

References can be specified as:

  • <typeName>
  • <typeName>.<memberName>
  • <typeName>#<memberName>
  • #<memberName>

NOTE: Currently references to specific method signatures are not supported. The hyperlink will navigate to the first method signature with the specified name.


You can install IcApexDoc by downloading the latest released archive from the Releases sidebar, extracting it into your local filesystem, and adding <extractedDirectory>/bin to your operating system's execution path. You should then be able to run apexdoc from the command-line successfully.

Note that you must also have a Java 11+ runtime environment installed with the java executable also available in the operating system's execution path such that you are able to run java from the command-line successfully.


The command-line usage is as follows:

usage: apexdoc <options> | @<optionsFile>
 -p,--sfdx-project <arg>         sfdx-project.json file
 -s,--source <arg>               input source directory
 -u,--username <arg>             Salesforce CLI username or alias
 -i,--include-org-types          whether org-only types should be included in
                                 generated ApexDoc when the '-u/--username'
                                 option is specified
 -x,--exclude <arg>              exclude directory
 -o,--output <arg>               output directory
 -v,--visibility <arg>           minimum visibility for included declarations;
                                 one of private, protected, public, or global
                                 (default protected)
 -n,--namespace <arg>            namespace
 -nn,--no-namespace              don't use the namespace from sfdx-project.json
 -gc,--group-content <arg>       directory containing content files for
                                 @group/@group-content tags
 -ct,--custom-templates <arg>    custom Velocity templates directory
 -t,--title <arg>                window title
 -f,--overview <arg>             overview HTML or Markdown file
 -c,--css <arg>                  custom stylesheet file
 -h,--help                       show usage details
 -version,--version              show version information
 -verbose,--verbose              enable verbose error logging

As indicated, command-line options can be specified explicitly or as the contents of an options file.


Source format projects

In a source format (i.e., Salesforce DX) project, it is likely most convenient to use the -p/--sfdx-project argument to specify the path to the project's sfdx-project.json file. IcApexDoc will then use the file's configured package directories as the source directories to be scanned for Apex and custom object source files.

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc

Metadata format projects

In a metadata format (i.e., pre-Salesforce DX) project, source directories must be specified explicitly using the -s/--source argument:

apexdoc -s src -s test -o apexdoc

Org-only Apex types

Local Apex types may extend, implement, or reference types that are available only in the organization via installed packages. In order for these relationships to be represented properly in the generated ApexDoc, those sources must be available to the tool. The associated org must be available to the Salesforce CLI via username or alias which can be specified to IcApexDoc using the -u/--username argument, and the Salesforce CLI must be available via the system execution path.

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc -u orgAlias

By default when the -u/--username argument is provided, org-only types are not included in the generated ApexDoc, but relationships and references to those types are correctly included when found in local source files. If desired, org-only types can be included in the generated ApexDoc using the -i/--include-org-types argument.

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc -u orgAlias -i


It can also be useful to specify sub-directories of source directories which should be excluded from the scan using the -x/--exclude argument:

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -x dlrs/libs/metadataservice -o apexdoc


You must specify the output directory path in which documentation will be generated using the -o/--output argument:

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc

Visibility filtering

You can specify the minimum visibility of declarations to be included in the generated documentation using the -v/--visibility argument. If unspecified, the minimum visibility for included declarations is protected. For ISVs, it can be useful to generate internal documentation using the default minimum visibility and customer-facing documentation that includes only the global interface of published packages, e.g.:

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc -v global


You can control whether a namespace is used for documented declarations using the -n/--namespace and -nn/no-namespace arguments:

  • If neither argument is provided and an sfdx-project.json file containing a namespace property is specified, that value is used.
  • If the sfdx-project.json file contains a namespace property and the namespace should not be used, the -nn/-no-namespace argument can be used to disable namespace processing.
  • If no sfdx-project.json file is specified, or if a different namespace than the one in that file should be used, the -n/--namespace argument can be used to specify a namespace value explicitly.

Group content files

When one or more @group ApexDoc tags are found in Apex types or triggers, a Groups tab is added to the generated output for taxonomy-based organization of the project's contents. Additional content can be provided for each tagged group through the use of group content files. A group content file is a Markdown- or HTML-formatted file that corresponds to one specific group and describes its role in the system. Group content files are found by IcApexDoc using the -gc/--group-content argument, e.g.:

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc -gc apexdoc-group-content

IcApexDoc resolves group names to group content files under the specified group content directory via a name derivation scheme where spaces and most other non-alphanumerics characters are replaced with underscores (_), and two or more consecutive underscores are reduced to a single underscore, e.g., @group Authorization Utilities would resolve to a file named either or Authorization_Utilities.html under the designated group content directory.

If multiple group content files are found for a given group name, a warning is issued and the first found group content file is used with Markdown taking priority over HTML if both are present. If no group content file is found for a given group name, a warning is also issued.

A few important notes about IcApexDoc's implementation of group content:

  • First and foremost, the notion of group content is implemented a bit differently in IcApexDoc. Traditionally, at least one @group tag would have a corresponding @group-content tag with the relative path of an HTML-formatted content file that describes the named group. However, this approach has multiple issues:
    • It leads to multiple maintenance of the @group-content paths and/or the risk that the one-and-only @group-content path for a given @group value could be removed, thereby inadvertently breaking the association between the group and its content.
    • The use of relative paths is inherently fragile, particularly in source format projects that allow for a much more flexible directory structure.
  • Existing @group-content tags are flagged by the ApexDoc validator with guidance toward the explicit group content directory-based implementation described above. This can be disabled if desired by setting the validator option validateGroupContentTag to false.

Custom Velocity templates

IcApexDoc generates HTML output files using the following Apache Velocity templates:

  • headInclude.vm - Included by all default page templates to provide the <head>...</head> portion of the resulting HTML files. This specifies the page title and includes the correct CSS file.
  • bodyHeaderInclude.vm - Included by all default page templates to provide the header and top navigation sections of the resulting HTML files.
  • indexPage.vm - Used to generate the main and top-level declaration type-specific index pages.
  • declarationPage.vm - Used to generate the top-level declaration-specific pages.

The default templates are included for reference in the distribution's templates directory, though be aware that they are read from the classpath at runtime, so changes to those files will not have any effect. It is possible to provide one or more custom templates using the -ct/--custom-templates argument:

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc -ct apexdoc_templates

The default templates should be used as a starting point when authoring custom templates, and the Apache Velocity User Guide may also prove useful. Note that if a given template is not found in the custom templates directory, the corresponding default template is used. As a result, it is only necessary to add customized templates to the specified directory.

Project title

You can specify the title of the project explicitly using the -t/--title argument. If unspecified and an sfdx-project.json file containing a name property is specified, that value is used as the project title. Otherwise the default value of ApexDoc is used.

Overview content

You can specify the path to an HTML or Markdown file that should be included in the Overview landing page to provide a high-level description of the project's contents using the -f/--overview argument:

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc -f myProject.[html|md]

The HTML content should not include the <html>, <head>, or <body> tags.


You can specify the path to a CSS file that should be used to style the generated documentation using the -c/-css argument. The default.css file that is included if this argument is unspecified should be used for reference when creating a custom stylesheet.

Options file

If an options file is used, it should include one command-line argument per-line and can include blank lines and comments via lines starting with #, e.g.,

apexdoc @apexdoc.opts

where apexdoc.opts contains:



# Don't use the namespace in sfdx-project.json


IcApexDoc includes a highly-configurable semantic validator for ApexDoc comments and their application (or lack thereof) to the respective Apex declarations. The validator is run automatically with either the default options or those from a validator options JSON file specified using the -vo/--validator-options argument:

apexdoc -p sfdx-project.json -o apexdoc -vo apexdoc_validator.json

where an example apexdoc_validator.json might contain:

  "validateMissingDocComment": true,
  "validateMissingDocCommentMinimumVisibility": "GLOBAL",

  "validateMissingDescriptionTag": true,

  "preferredExceptionTag": "EXCEPTION",

  "validateDeprecatedTagDescription": true

Validation results

Validation results are included in the output of the apexdoc CLI alongside the respective file. Each reported issue includes the severity (currently Warning for all validation rules), file path, line number, and detailed error message, e.g.:

Generating HTML files...
    Warning: force-app/main/default/classes/ApexDocExample.cls:40 - @param description missing for parameter 'baz' of method 'bar(String)'
    Warning: force-app/main/default/classes/ApexDocExample.cls:50 - Cannot resolve symbol '#barX' for method 'fooBarBaz()'
    Warning: force-app/main/default/classes/ApexDocValidationTest.cls:9 - @param description missing for parameter 'age' of constructor 'ApexDocValidationTest(String,Integer)'
    Warning: force-app/main/default/classes/ApexDocValidationTest.cls:9 - Incorrect @param order for parameter 'age' of constructor 'ApexDocValidationTest(String,Integer)'; expected 2, actual 1
    Warning: force-app/main/default/classes/ApexDocValidationTest.cls:33 - @return missing for non-void method 'getName()'
    Warning: force-app/main/default/classes/ShoppingListControllerTestUtil.cls:14 - @return description missing for method 'createNewObject()'
    Warning: force-app/main/default/classes/ShoppingListControllerTestUtil.cls:27 - @return description missing for method 'createExistingObject()'

Validator options file

The following properties can be configured in the validator options JSON file:

Property Description
validateMissingDocComment If enabled, report declarations that meet or exceed the minimum visibility for ApexDoc generation that do not have a documentation comment. Disabled by default.
validateMissingDocCommentMinimumVisibility The minimum visibility for which validateMissingDocComment should apply as one of PRIVATE, PROTECTED, PUBLIC, or GLOBAL. The default is PROTECTED.
validateMissingDocCommentIgnoreDeprecated If enabled and validateMissingDocComment is also enabled, @Deprecated declarations that would otherwise be flagged by validateMissingDocComment are ignored. Enabled by default.
validateMissingDocCommentIgnoreInherited If enabled and validateMissingDocComment is also enabled, declarations that would otherwise be flagged by validateMissingDocComment but which inherit a documentation comment from a base declaration are ignored. Enabled by default.
validateMissingDocCommentIgnoreExtendsSystemType If enabled and validateMissingDocComment is also enabled, declarations that would otherwise be flagged by validateMissingDocComment but which extend a standard/system Apex type are ignored. Disabled by default.
validateMissingDocCommentIgnoreOverridesSystemMethod If enabled and validateMissingDocComment is also enabled, declarations that would otherwise be flagged by validateMissingDocComment but which implement/override a method from a standard/system Apex type are ignored. Enabled by default.
validateUnresolvableAtLink If enabled, unresolvable declaration references in {@link ...} macros are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateUnresolvableTypeReference If enabled, unresolvable declaration references in <<...>> macros are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMissingDescriptionTag If enabled, description text that is not explicitly designated with the @description tag are flagged. Disabled by default.
validateMissingParamTag If enabled, formal parameters which do not have a corresponding @param tag in the parent method or constructor's documentation comment are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMissingParamTagName If enabled, @param tags which do not specify a formal parameter name are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMissingParamTagDescription If enabled, @param tags which do not provide a description are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateIncorrectlyOrderedParamTag If enabled, @param tags which are not listed in the exact same order as their respective formal parameters are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateUnresolvableParamTag If enabled, @param tags which specify a formal parameter name that does not correspond to an actual formal parameter of the documented method or constructor are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMisattributedParamTag If enabled, @param tags used in the documentation comment for any declaration type that does not accept formal parameters are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMissingReturnTag If enabled, documentation comments for methods that specify a non-void return type but do not include an @return/s tag are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateExtraneousReturnTag If enabled, documentation comments for methods that specify a void return type but include an @return/s tag are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMissingReturnTagDescription If enabled, @return/s tags which do not provide a description are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMisattributedReturnTag If enabled, @return/s tags used in the documentation comment for any declaration type that does have an explicit return type (including constructors) are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateReturnsTagUsage If enabled, usages of the non-standard @returns tag are flagged. It is recommended that the standard @return tag be used instead. Enabled by default.
validateMissingExceptionTagTypeName If enabled, @throws/@exception tags which do not specify an exception type name are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateUnresolvableExceptionTagTypeName If enabled, @throws/@exception tags which specify an exception type name that cannot be resolved are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMissingExceptionTagDescription If enabled, @throws/@exception tags which do not provide a description for the thrown exception are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMisattributedExceptionTag If enabled, @throws/@exception tags used in the documentation comment for any declaration type that cannot throw an exception are flagged. Enabled by default.
preferredExceptionTag The preferred tag for documenting thrown exceptions, either THROWS or EXCEPTION. The non-preferred tag is flagged when found. The default is THROWS.
validateMissingSeeTagTypeMemberName If enabled, @see tags which do not specify a target are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateUnresolvableSeeTagTypeMemberName If enabled, @see tags which specify an unresolvable target are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMissingSeeTagDescription If enabled, @see tags which do not provide a description for the referenced target are flagged. Disabled by default.
validateAuthorTagValue If enabled, @author tags which do not specify a value are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateGroupTagValue If enabled, @group tags which do not specify a group name are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateMisattributedGroupTag If enabled, @group tags used in the documentation comment for non-type/trigger declarations are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateGroupContentTag If enabled, @group-content tags are flagged and the user is guided toward the -gc/--group-content option. Enabled by default.
validateDateTagValue If enabled, @date tags which do not specify a value are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateSinceTagValue If enabled, @since tags which do not specify a value are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateExampleTagValue If enabled, @example tags which do not specify a value are flagged. Enabled by default.
validateDeprecatedTagDescription If enabled, @deprecated tags which do not provide a description are flagged. Disabled by default.
validateMarkdown If enabled, reports issues found in Markdown. Enabled by default.

Note that it is only necessary to include options for which values are different from their defaults in an options file. The default values for all unspecified options will be used automatically.

A JSON schema is available and can be registered with most IDEs to provide code completion and validation for these options files. A comprehensive example configuration file, is also available for reference, but as stated previously, only customized properties need to be included in the options file.


If IcApexDoc fails or reports errors due to caught exceptions, the -verbose/--verbose command-line argument can be used to enable logging of the full caught exception stack trace. Generally this would be included in a bug report in the public issue tracker along with steps to reproduce the issue.


IcApexDoc is 100% free to use under the Apache 2.0 License. Note that while portions of IcApexDoc have been derived from Illuminated Cloud 2, that product—and its predecessor Illuminated Cloud 1—are commercial products offered under their own legal Terms and Conditions. Access to or usage of IcApexDoc does not in any way entitle the user to a license for either Illuminated Cloud 2 or Illuminated Cloud 1.