A python requests-middleware that logs and caches the requests sent through it, manages the API key limits and IP ban limits. Also, includes a Kibana dashboard to visualize the statistics. The repository also includes a Flask server configuration that could be used instead of the requests-middleware.
- A python class that acts as a wrapper of the python requests library
- Logs and caches all the requests sent using it in Elasticsearch
- Manages the API key rate limits and IP limits by rotating the keys or IPs depending upon their usage counts
- Send batch requests asynchronously (yet to be added)
- Elastic Stack comprising of Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana is used
- All the incoming requests are saved to Elastic Search along with their responses
- These saved responses could be user as cache
- The logs of the flask server are recorded in Logstash
- Kibana dashboard is used for keeping track of the logs and requests
cd Monitor/
docker-compose up
from request_middleware.request import Request
URL = ""
# instantiate Request object
req = Request(key_or_ip, endpoint_name_as_per_config_json, cache=True)
# get the secret key/ip
key = req.get_key_proxy()
headers = {"key": key}
# modify headers
# send request
response = req.send(method_type, URL,
headers=headers, data={})
python3 test.py
- A flask application with an endpoint to handle the incoming requests
- Forward all the requests and fetch appropriate responses
- Scalable as there can be huge number of requests at the same time based on CPU utilization
- Load balances across the various nodes
cd Server/
docker build . -t flask-proxy-server
sudo minikube start --vm-driver=none
kubectl apply -f Server/deployment.yaml
kubectl autoscale deployment flask-proxy-server --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10
python3 proxy.py
A script for simulate high load on the server
"_index": "cache",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "KBWDbXQBWugdXIVikbkz",
"_version": 1,
"_score": 0,
"_source": {
"method": "GET",
"url": "http://localhost:5555/api",
"data": {
"dummy": "new_data"
"params": {},
"response": {
"status": "Success",
"message": "Request successful"
Open to enhancements & bug-fixes