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Massimo Bonvicini edited this page Aug 27, 2019 · 2 revisions



> Add-LoggingTarget -Name ElasticSearch -Configuration @{
    ServerName     = <NOTSET>          # <Required> Sets the ES server name (eg. 'localhost')
    ServerPort     = <NOTSET>          # <Required> Sets the ES server port (eg. 9200)
    Index          = <NOTSET>          # <Required> Sets the ES index name to log to (eg. 'logs-%{+%Y.%m.%d}')
                                       #            It supports templating like $Logging.Format
    Type           = <NOTSET>          # <Required> Sets the ES type for the message (eg. 'log')
    Level          = <NOTSET>          # <Not required> Sets the logging format for this target
    Flatten        = $false            # <Not required> Transforms the log hashtable in a 1-D hashtable
    Https          = $false            # <Not required> Uses HTTPS instead of HTTP in elasticsearch URL if $true
    Authorization  = <NOTSET>          # <Not required> Converts creds to base64 and adds it to headers. (eg. 'username:password')

$Body = @{source = 'Logging'; host=''; _metadata = @{ip = ''; server_farm = 'WestEurope'}}

Write-Log -Level 'WARNING' -Message 'Hello, Powershell!' -Body $Body


        "_index": "powershell-2018-05-10",
        "_type": "doc",
        "_id": "6BfJXWMB8moSvzgSbZgo",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "body": {
            "host": "",
            "_metadata": {
              "server_farm": "WestEurope",
              "ip": ""
            "source": "Logging"
          "levelno": 30,
          "timestamp": "2018-05-14T10:34:31+02",
          "level": "WARNING",
          "message": "Hello, Powershell, No Flatten"


        "_index": "powershell-2018-05-10",
        "_type": "doc",
        "_id": "6RfJXWMB8moSvzgSeJj_",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "source": "Logging",
          "server_farm": "WestEurope",
          "ip": "",
          "levelno": 30,
          "level": "WARNING",
          "host": "",
          "message": "Hello, Powershell, Flatten",
          "timestamp": "2018-05-14T10:34:34+02"