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Prime Deals dApp

Prime Deals is an Interface for DAO to DAO interactions, such as token swaps, joint venture provision, and joint venture formation. An introduction to Prime Deals can be found here.

This prime-deals-dapp repository contains in its master branch the web user interface for the Prime Deals website that is deployed to

Smart contracts have their own repository here.

User documentation can be found at



Make sure you have


Install dependencies with the following command:

npm ci

Update Contract ABIs

Prime Deals relies on solidity contract addresses and ABIs that it obtains from the PrimeDao contracts-v2 repository. You must clone the contracts-v2 repository in a folder sibling to this one.

Then run the following script to pull the required contract ABIs from contracts:

npm run fetchContracts

You only need run this script once, or else again when any of the contracts change.


The package.json file contains lots of commands for building or serving up the application.


Before building, make sure to have the following in your OS environment variables or in an ".env" file:





FIREBASE_API_KEY=     # apiKey
FIREBASE_APP_ID=      # appId

When building for production, the build will look for variables in ".env.production".

Following are the three most commonly used commands:

Build and serve unoptimized code against rinkeby

Best for development and debugging, the output goes to webpack-dev-server for use with your favorate debugger, like VSCode:

npm run serve-dev

Run Firebase emulators

For fast and safe development use firebase emulator suite instead of connecting to a real project. App is going to use emulated firebase services automatically, but if some/all of them are not available it will call the real service instead.

npm run firebase

Build with optimized code against mainnet

The production build, output goes to the dist folder:

npm run build

After successfully building, run the following to serve up the output so you can see it in the browser:

npm run start


To confirm that lint succeeds before git commits run

npm run lint

To have lint automatically fix all fixable errors run

npm run lint.fix

Automated Tests


npm run test

To run in watch mode

npm run test --watch

Further readings:

  • Unit tests in /test - readme
  • E2E tests in /cypress - readme

Webpack Analyzer

To run the Webpack Bundle Analyzer for production build.

npm run analyze


Various code dependencies include:

  • Token information -, at
  • Token information - coingecko, at
  • IPFS gateway -
  • Wallet providers - Web3Modal
  • Interactions with Ethereum and wallet providers - ethers.js
  • Mainnet web3 provider - Rivet
  • Web3-native based commenting system -


Firebase Local development environment setup

Assuming that a Firebase Project is already setup and you have access to API key and other secrets (otherwise see how to setup a new project)

  1. Add Firebase environment variables to .env file. You can find them in the Firebase console Under “Project settings” → “Your apps” → select the app you want to use

    FIREBASE_API_KEY=     # apiKey
    FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN= # authDomain
    FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=  # projectId
    FIREBASE_APP_ID=      # appId
  2. Use Firebase emulators for development

    1. Run npm run firebase to start firebase emulators

      1. It will output information about running firebase emulators. Make sure that Authentication, Functions and Firestore emulators are running. Emulator UI should be available at http://localhost:4000
      2. It will output URLs for the locally deployed functions
      functions[us-central1-functionName]: http function initialized
    2. When running it for the first time copy the outputted functions URL without the function name (with the last part), for example:


      Add it to .env as FIREBASE_FUNCTIONS_URL variable:


    3. IMPORTANT Add FIREBASE_ENVIRONMENT=local variable to .env file

      FIREBASE_ENVIRONMENT variable is used to conditionally connect the app to firebase emulators. If it's set to local than app will connect to the running emulators, otherwise it will connect to the live Firebase project with ID specified by FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID

      Using Firebase emulators for local development is highly recommended, however you are free to connect to the live project whether for convenience or for testing purposes. You can do so by removing FIREBASE_ENVIRONMENT variable.

  3. Run npm run start-dev the app should be now using firebase emulators

  4. You should always run npm run firebase and npm run start-dev for local development

  5. Deployment from you local machine (optional)

    1. Install firebase cli on your machine npm install -g firebase-tools
    2. Login to firebase, run firebase login

New Firebase Project setup

  1. Create a new Firebase project

  2. Upgrade it to “Blaze” plan (or any plan that allows us to use Firestore, Functions and Authentication, as of 03/2022 Blaze is the only one)

  3. Go to Firebase console

  4. Add new app for the Web

    1. Add app nickname of your choice, suggested name "prime-deals-dapp"
    2. Don't setup Firebase hosting
  5. Copy provided secrets to environment variables (to your local .env or to Vercel Environment Variables)

    FIREBASE_API_KEY=     # apiKey
    FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN= # authDomain
    FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=  # projectId
    FIREBASE_APP_ID=      # appId
  6. Setup Authentication

    1. Add “Email/password” sign-in method (We are not going to use email/password to sign in users, but we need at least one sign-in method to be enabled in order for our custom sign-in to work)
  7. Setup Firestore Database

    1. Follow create database flow
    2. Under "Secure rules for Cloud Firestore” select "Start in production mode” which will disable all reads and writes
    3. Select Firestore location that makes the most sense for the project
  8. Update Google Cloud IAM settings

    1. Open and select the correct project, choose “Permissions” tab and view by “principals”
    2. Select one with name “firebase-adminsdk”, make sure it has at least the following roles:
      1. Firebase Admin SDK Administrator Service Agent
      2. Firebase Authentication Admin
      3. Service Account Token Creator
    3. Select one with name “App Engine default service account” make sure it has at least the following roles:
      1. Editor
      2. Service Account Token Creator
      3. Cloud Datastore Import Export Admin
  9. Set API key restrictions

    1. Open Google Cloud APIs and Services settings and select the correct project
    2. Under “API Keys” select "Browser key (auto created by Firebase)”
    3. Set “Application restrictions” to be “HTTP referrers (web sites)”
    4. Whitelist domains under "Website restrictions”
    5. Under "API restrictions” select “Restrict key” and choose:
      1. Cloud Firestore API
      2. Identity Toolkit API
      3. Token Service API
  10. Enable IAM Service Account Credentials API

    1. Go to the following link and enable the API
  11. Add FIREBASE_TOKEN used to deploy firebase from CI to Github actions secrets

    1. On your local machine run firebase login:ci (make sure you have firebase-tools installed globally)
    2. Login in the browser and authenticate firebase
    3. Copy token that was printed to the terminal
    4. IMPORTANT If the account used to generate the token doesn’t have access to all firebase projects, scope the secret to the branch by which it should be used. For example if you are creating a Firebase project for staging, make sure that in the Github Actions you scope the token to be available only for the staging branch.
      1. Go to Github actions settings page and add secret FIREBASE_TOKEN with value of the token copied from the terminal. If it belongs to all firebase projects make it “repository secret” otherwise scope it per branch
  12. Add FIREBASE_FUNCTIONS_URL to the Vercel Environment Variables

    Assign following URL to it:


    If you are not sure if the URL is correct, after firebase deployment is triggered, whether locally by running firebase deploy or by Github Actions, you can see the URL in the console output:

    Function URL (${functionName}(us-central1)):

    Omit the functionName (last part) and use


Testing Firebase on Vercel preview (for pull requests)(optional)

Firebase is not automatically deployed when you create a PR, because all Vercel previews (deployments run for pull requests) are connected to the same firebase projects, and we want to avoid overwriting Firebase Functions or Rules when multiple PRs have conflicting Firebase Functions or Rules. Therefore if you want Vercel preview for your PR, to have access to the firebase functions and rules from your PR, you should deploy them from your local machine. Vercel previews are connected to firebase project with id prime-deals-6ace4 and name “prime-deals-local”. It’s the default project and you can see it assigned to default alias in .firebaserc file.

Deploy Firebase from you local machine to the default project (used by Vercel previews for PRs)

In the project directory (make sure you have firebase cli and you are authenticated) Run:

firebase deploy

Git hooks

It's advised to use post-merge git hook which builds firebase functions for you, so your local firebase emulators will have the latest functions after a pull/merge.

  1. copy or symlink post-merge file into .git/hooks
  2. make the file executable by running chmod +x post-merge


Technical Description

The project framework is Aurelia.

It is written mostly in Typescript, HTML and SCSS, and is bundled using Webpack.


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