#### Working Code :: 4rth Try ystockquote ===========
Python module - retrieve stock quote data from Yahoo Finance
- Python 2.7/3.3+
yahoostock can be installed from :: the development repo (requires git) to install:
$ git clone git://github.com/pixanor/yahoostock.git $ cd yahoostock $ python setup.py install $ python -m unittest discover
To run unit tests:
$ python -m unittest discover
>>> import yahoostock
>>> print(yahoostock.get_price_book('GOOG'))
>>> print(yahoostock.get_bid_realtime('GOOG'))
>>> import yahoostock
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pprint(yahoostock.get_historical_prices('GOOG', '2013-01-03', '2013-01-08'))
{'2013-01-03': {'Adj Close': '723.67',
'Close': '723.67',
'High': '731.93',
'Low': '720.72',
'Open': '724.93',
'Volume': '2318200'},
'2013-01-04': {'Adj Close': '737.97',
'Close': '737.97',
'High': '741.47',
'Low': '727.68',
'Open': '729.34',
'Volume': '2763500'},
'2013-01-07': {'Adj Close': '734.75',
'Close': '734.75',
'High': '739.38',
'Low': '730.58',
'Open': '735.45',
'Volume': '1655700'},
'2013-01-08': {'Adj Close': '733.30',
'Close': '733.30',
'High': '736.30',
'Low': '724.43',
'Open': '735.54',
'Volume': '1676100'}}