Zhang's Lab, Georgia Institute of Technology
Developed by Ziqi Zhang, Jongseok Han
Preprint: available soon
CeSpGRN is a package that is able to infer cell specific GRN using single-cell gene expression data
stores the inference algorithms.test
stores thescripts
(testing scripts) andresults
(testing results are directly generated by the scripts, too large to be pushed onto github).scripts_GGM
: testing script for the GGM datascripts_softODE
: testing script for the softODE datascripts_THP-1
: testing script for the THP-1 data
stores the simulation code:GGM
: simulator for GGM datasoft_boolODE
: simulator for the softODE data
stores the real and simulated data (available upon requests)
pytorch >= 1.15.0
numpy >= 1.19.5
scipy >= 1.7.1
networkx >= 2.5
sklearn >= 0.24.2
matplotlib >= 3.4.3
statsmodels >= 0.12.2
- Load in the count matrix as a numpy
, the matrix should be of the shape(ncells, ngenes)
. e.g.import sys, os sys.path.append('./src/') import numpy as np # load CeSpGRN import g_admm as CeSpGRN import kernel # read in count matrix counts = np.load("counts.npy")
- Set the hyper-parameter including: bandwidth, neighborhoodsize, and lambda. e.g.
# smaller bandwidth means that GRN of cells are more heterogeneous. bandwidth = 1 # number of neighbor being considered when calculating the covariance matrix. n_neigh = 30 # sparsity regulatorization, larger lamb means sparser result. lamb = 0.1
- Calculate the kernel function, and covariance matrix for each cell, e.g.
# calculate PCA of count matrix from sklearn.decompose import PCA pca_op = PCA(n_components = 10) X_pca = pca_op.fit_transform(counts) # using X_pca to calculate the kernel function K, K_trun = kernel.calc_kernel_neigh(X_pca, k = 5, bandwidth = bandwidth, truncate = True, truncate_param = n_neigh) # estimate covariance matrix, output is empir_cov of the shape (ncells, ngenes, ngenes) empir_cov = CeSpGRN.est_cov(X = counts, K_trun = K_trun, weighted_kt = True)
- Estimating cell-specific GRN, e.g.
# estimate cell-specific GRNs, thetas of the shape (ncells, ngenes, ngenes) cespgrn = CeSpGRN.G_admm_minibatch(X=counts[:, None, :], K=K, pre_cov=empir_cov, batchsize = 120) thetas = cespgrn.train(max_iters=max_iters, n_intervals=100, lamb=lamb)
An example run is shown in demo.py