This is the code repository for Mastering Clojure, published by Packt. It contains all the supporting project files necessary to work through the book from start to finish.
All of the code is organized into folders.
Each folder starts with c
followed by the chapter number.
For example, src/m_clj/c1/recur.clj
is a file from chapter 1, and spec/m_clj/c10/speclj.clj
is one from chapter 10.
Similarly, each chapter will have many namespaces.
Each namespace starts with m-clj.c
followed by the chapter
For example, m-clj.c1.recur
is a namespace from chapter 1.
Run the lein repl
command and load the namespaces as follows.
$ lein repl
m-clj.core=> (load-file "src/m_clj/c1/recur.clj")
m-clj.core=> (in-ns 'm-clj.c1.recur)
#<Namespace m-clj.c1-recur>
m-clj.c1-recur=> (fibo 10)
All of the ClojureScript examples can be run through web pages in the resources/html/
Run lein cljsbuild once
before you open these pages in a browser.
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