Apolex Privacy Policy By using Apolex you accept with its privacy policy.
- What does it store? Server IDs for servers data(settings) Users IDs for (blacklist) & (user status)
- Who can access the data?
- Only bot developer's can access the data:
- How can I get rid of the data stored? Users can contact the server moderator(s) to get rid of there data stored.
- Why do we store the data?
- It stores server IDs for settings and data because: Without those most of the bot wouldn't be functional.
- It stores server IDs and user IDs for blacklist because: We need to prevent people/servers that abuse the bot, break bot rules. We store user IDs for whois command, whois command shows your / user status
- I'm questioning why do you need all this data, and this Privacy Policy doesn't answer my question. What should I do? You can reach us by the following things: Join our Support Server on discord Contact me on discord https://discord.gg/apolex
- How can we delete our entire data? If you want to delete your entire data just simply join our support server and ask any of the bot moderator to delete your entire data, They will delete your entrie data without asking any question. Please note, that we can change this policy without any warning at any given time.
- Why we store your status data? We store your status data because Apolex has a command name whois which displays a particular user’s status ( idle, dnd, online and mobile ) and game status ( streaming, listening, playing and competing ) and without presence intent it is not possible to check someone’s status and game status.
- Why we store your message data? We store your message data, because Apolex have a command named blacklist word which delete’s the blacklisted word if someone sent it, So Apolex need to read message sent by the members.