Docker setup for an xmr miner image based on xmrig.
docker run steveswinsburg/xmr-miner
Without any options, xmr-miner
will start with a set of default values.
The following xmrig options are available:
-a, --algo=ALGO cryptonight (default) or cryptonight-lite
-o, --url=URL URL of mining server
-O, --userpass=U:P username:password pair for mining server
-u, --user=USERNAME username for mining server
-p, --pass=PASSWORD password for mining server
-t, --threads=N number of miner threads
-v, --av=N algorithm variation, 0 auto select
-k, --keepalive send keepalived for prevent timeout (need pool support)
-r, --retries=N number of times to retry before switch to backup server (default: 5)
-R, --retry-pause=N time to pause between retries (default: 5)
--cpu-affinity set process affinity to CPU core(s), mask 0x3 for cores 0 and 1
--cpu-priority set process priority (0 idle, 2 normal to 5 highest)
--no-huge-pages disable huge pages support
--no-color disable colored output
--user-agent set custom user-agent string for pool
-B, --background run the miner in the background
-c, --config=FILE load a JSON-format configuration file
-l, --log-file=FILE log all output to a file
--max-cpu-usage=N maximum CPU usage for automatic threads mode (default 75)
--safe safe adjust threads and av settings for current CPU
--nicehash enable nicehash support
--print-time=N print hashrate report every N seconds