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Drew C edited this page Dec 2, 2020 · 1 revision


Note: All camera transformations orbit the currently selected object

Translate Camera: Alt + Middle Click and Drag

Rotate / Orbit Camera: Alt + Left Click and Drag

Zoom Camera: Alt + Right Click and Drag

Object Insertion

Move insertion point to currently selected object's origin: A

Move object back to insertion point: J

Insert last selected object: Space or Insert


Translate X/Y by 5 units: [Up, Down, Left, or Right]

Translate X/Y by 1 unit: Shift + [Up, Down, Left, or Right]

Translate Z by 5 units: Control + [Up or Down]

Translate Z by 1 unit: Control + [Left (UP) or Right (DOWN)]

Rotate by 15 degrees: Control + Shift + [Left or Right]

Rotate by 1 degree: Control + Shift + [Up or Down]

Scale: Control + Hold Left Click + Drag

Note: you can use the [Place Selected] button to position using coordinates


Change full wall preset: Hold Right Click on anywhere BUT the selected wall

Change wall section preset: Hold Right Click on wall section

Change wall section texture: Shift + Hold Right Click on wall section

Change knock-knock door: Hold Right Click near bottom center of wall piece

Change windows: Hold Right Click near center of wall piece

Change number of windows: Shift + Hold right click near center of wall piece

Change cornice: Hold Right Click at top of wall piece

Change color of part: Control + Hold right click in the same area you would to change the texture

Change Width of wall: Shift + Hold Right click anywhere BUT the wall.

Change direction of wall part: Alt + Hold Right Click on part (MayaCam MUST be disabled)

Landmark Buildings

Change door: Hold Right Click bottom half of building

Change sign background: Hold Right Click on top half of building

Show suit building previews: Alt + S

Flat Building Linking

Toggle Flat Building Linking mode: Shift + K

Select Landmark Building to link to: Left Click

Link Flat Building to Landmark Building: Left click Flat Building and press K

All Objects

Change Color: Control + Hold Right Click on object

Set active parent to selected object: P

Reparent selected object to active parent: R


Place Suit Point: Shift + S

Place Battle Cell: Shift + C


Toggle Collision Boundaries: Control + C

Save: Control + S

Screenshot: F12

Toggle Ortho Camera: Shift + O

Take Map Screenshot: Shift + F12

Global Radial Menu: Hold Tab

Enter Box Selection mode: S

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