This library is based on Sparkfun Micro OLED Arduino Library.
It has been modified to work with the OpenHAK Beta hardware,
which targets a Simlbee radio module and uses I2C.
Modifications made by Joel Murphy/Biomurph Spring, 2017.
What follows is mostly from the original Sparkfun README
SparkFun Micro OLED Breakout (LCD-13003)
An Arduino library that allows you to draw shapes and text on the Micro OLED display.
- Installing an Arduino Library Guide - Basic information on how to install an Arduino library.
- Product Repository - Main repository (including hardware files) for the Micro OLED Breakout.
- Hookup Guide - Basic hookup guide for the Micro OLED Breakout.
This library was modified by Joel Murphy, Spring 2017. It specifically targets the Simblee radio module on the OpenHAK fitness tracker.
- Micro OLED Breakout- A breakout for the monochrome 64x48 OLED.
This product is open source!
The code is released under the GPL v3 license. See the included for more information.
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
- Your friends at SparkFun and OpenHAK.