Releases: Nixinova/MineoJava
Releases · Nixinova/MineoJava
Mineo 0.0.21_1
Version 0.0.21_1, now with block reach limitation.
- Added HUD toggling with F2
- Added reach option (defaults to 5 blocks)
- Added block selection outline
- Limited block interactions to only what is within the player's reach
- Changed color of cursor and hotbar selection outline
- Changed fidelity of selected block raycaster
- Changed information line label "Hovered" to "Selected"
Mineo 0.0.21
Version 0.0.21 of Mineo Java, now with a sky and proper player-block collision!
- Added sky with gradient
- Added horizontal collision box to blocks
- Added collision boundary box to the player
- Changed renderer to only render blocks within view of the player
- Changed player spawn point to centre of world
- Changed player height to 1.6 blocks
- Changed default jumpHeight to 1.5
- Removed ability to place blocks inside the player's body
- Fixed jumping not pertaining to the specified jumpHeight
View commit log: 0.0.20_2...0.0.21
- 77f25ff Add side hitboxes to blocks
- e86921a Ensure player doesn't spawn inside ground
- e9623db Only render blocks within view
- e637473 Spawn player in centre of world
- 5616736 Split controls code into a controller and a ticker
- dbf6633 Add full player hitbox
- f7fbb57 Use correct shove vector for hitbox collision
- 0f7c79c Ensure player can jump a full block
- 22aa029 Add head collision too
- 3bd9303 Render all blocks within 1 block of camera
- 381e697 Prevent player from entering 1x1 tunnels
- fa6ffcb Disallow placing blocks inside body
- a341478 Add block corner collisions
- 4086e5b Add sky with gradient
- bb0fdb7 0.0.21
Mineo 0.0.20_2
Version 0.0.20_2, with an improved raycaster!
- Added options groundLevel (defaults to 10) and buildHeight (defaults to 18)
- Changed distance fog effect to applied nonlinearly
- Changed default renderDistance to 20 blocks
- Fixed raycast culling
Updated options version to 1.11f
Mineo 0.0.20_1
Version 0.0.20_1 of Mineo Java, with changes to the debug info and a spatter of bug fixes.
- Changed display of game information
- Changed information lines to be hidden by default
- Merged "Block" and "Camera" lines into one "Position" line
- Changed name of "Angle" line to "Rotation"
- Changed "Hovered" line to only appear when looking at a block
- Fixed a rounding issue causing the world boundary to be offset by 1 block
- Fixed two sides of the world not rendering
- Fixed being able to place blocks outside of the world
- Fixed player not being able to fall into the void from inside the world
Mineo 0.0.20
Mineo 0.0.18_1
Version 0.0.18_1 of Mineo Java.
- Collision is now based per-block instead of from the lowest ground in a column
- Changed player height to 1.8 blocks
- Removed "floor" debug text line
Full Changelog: 0.0.18...0.0.18_1
Mineo 0.0.19
Version 0.0.19 of Mineo Java, now with better block placing and texture mapping!
- Blocks are now placed adjacent to the hovered block face
- Block textures are now applied to each face separately
- Block texels are now larger
- Fixed orientation of block textures
Full Changelog: 0.0.18_1...0.0.19
Mineo 0.0.17_3
Version 0.0.17_3 of Mineo Java!
- Fixed movement smoothening
- Improved rendering performance
Mineo 0.0.18
Version 0.0.18 of Mineo Java!
- Added block face culling
- World now only generates along the positive axes
- World now abides by worldSize option again
- World now generates in layers again
- Top layer is now randomly offset by 1 or 2 blocks
- Top layer of world is always grass
- The three layers below the top layer are dirt
- The rest of the layers down to Y=1 are stone
- The bottom layer remains bedrock
Full Changelog: 0.0.17_3...0.0.18
Mineo 0.0.17_2
Version 0.0.17_2 of Mineo Java.
- Changed rendering to make closer texels overwrite farther texels