A fitness watch based on esp12E with arudino frame work.
Current Features inlcudes:
- Auto display turn on and turn off
- Motion detection
- Heart Rate sensor
- NTP time sync
- Haptic feedback
- SMTP email functionality
Clone this repo and open the folder with VScode along with Platform.io extension all the other necessary files will open along with it.
Change the external library to your arduino library path in platformio.ini file
lib_extra_dirs = C:\Users\*USER NAME*\Documents\Arduino\libraries
- ESP-Core - by Ivan Grokhotkov
- TimeLib - by PaulStoffregen
- EmailSender - xreef
- Adafruit 6050 - adafruit
- Wifi Manager - tzapu
- OLED - ThingPulse
Open the Arduino IDE and follow the below steps:
Sketch -> include library -> ManageLibrary -> *Search for the above libraries*
Or follow the instructions on respective library repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details