Hadoop Examples is a set of simple example scripts to illustrate Hadoop ecosystem tools like Hive and Pig.
EXAMPLES_DIR is an environment variable you can set to point to the directory where the hadoop-examples.jar is installed.
There is also a script: utils/setup_env.sh that can be sourced inside other shell scripts to try to find the hadoop-examples.jar. It is ugly, but sometimes convenient :-/
November 2016
HBase Block Size utility =hbase/hbase_blocks/hbase_blocks.rb= creates a table with a specified HBase block size. Writes data, flushes, then uses admin object to get the region name. Displays exact command =hbase hfile= to use to view the store file's index. Some okay/kinda cool JRuby stuff there.
MapReduce scripts to print their ENV variables, which also include Hadoop configuration stuff for streaming jobs.
See =mr/streaming_config_dumper/=
Incremental insert example in Hive Inserts non-duplicate data into a join table from incrementally updated source tables See hive/incremental_insert/
Added example of Pig's EXPLAIN command to show a diagram of the execution plan for SPLIT versus FILTER See pig/explain-split-vs-filter/
Added example of Hive's PARTITION feature See hive/partition-example/