Embed (write) metadata -Dublin Core, VRA Core, XMP, ISAD(G), IPTC, EXIF- into all types of images and PDF files from a normalized CSV.
MME is a Python 3 command line application, which uses ExifTool (by Phil Harvey) and also has a graphical interface, (GMME) runnable on Linux, MacOS and Windows.
python mme.py CSV_PATH IMAGES_PATH
Positional arguments: CSV_PATH path to the CSV file to be processed. JPGS_PATH path to the JPG files.
python3 mme.py csv/test.csv images/
-h (--help) Show this help message and exit.
-r ROW_PROGRESS_NOTIFY (--row-progress-notify ROW_PROGRESS_NOTIFY) The number of rows between progress notifications. 100 by default.
-n NOTIFY_BROKEN_KEYS (--notify-broken-keys NOTIFY_BROKEN_KEYS) Notify about broken/missing keys in the CSV. False by default.
-m MAX_DEPTH (--max-depth MAX_DEPTH) Maximum depth of subfolders to search for JPGS. 3 by default.
To extract metadata from an image you must use ExifTool, which is provided in this repository
a. to extract VRA Core metadata:
exiftool -xmp-vrae:all image.tif
b. to extract all metadata:
exiftool -a -G1 -s image.tif
gmme' is the graphical version of mme.py. It is a python3 script (only). It does not accept arguments.
python3 gmme.py &
Embedded Metadata, Access to Digital Image Files, Open Content, Open Data, Metadata editor, Heritage
- Martin Gersbach, project management and development
- Harry van der Wolf, for his invaluable collaboration and creation of the graphical user interface (GUI) and its cross-platform executables
- Greg Reser, for all his support and collaboration on this VRA Core implementation
- Phil Harvey, for his excellent ExifTool, soon to be 30 years old!
- Patricia Harpring (Getty Vocabulary Program)
- Robin Johnson (Getty Vocabulary Program)
- Jairo Serrano, SysOp who makes everything work without breaking and fixes it when it does break
- Sebastián Gersbach, for the logo design and the icon package
- Centro de Documentación de Bienes Patrimoniales de Chile [https://www.aatespanol.cl/]
This application has been made possible thanks to the Cultural Patronage program of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
and especially to our sponsors
- Banco Hipotecario https://www.hipotecario.com.ar
- Techniques & Supplies https://www.techniques.com.ar
- Digital Ocean https://www.digitalocean.com