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Benchmark Summary

See also: the simple benchmark for comparing mostly the read/interpretation speed between ROOT and Julia.


Single-thread composite benchmark

Language Run Time
Julia 19.67 s
PyROOT RDF 38.97 s
Compiled RDF 25.04 s
Compiled C++ ROOT Loop 19.63 s
Python Uproot loop-less 29.13 s

4-threads composite benchmark

Language Run Time
Julia 5.25 s
PyROOT RDF 11.01 s
Compiled RDF 8.67 s
Compiled C++ ROOT Loop Not impl.
Python Uproot loop-less Not impl.

For more timing (compile, JIT etc.), navigate to composite_benchmark directory.

(all heavy lifting functions used by RDataFrame are written in C++ inside header file)

Physics Task:

Make a histogram of 4-lepton invariant mass (higgs candidate in real analysis)


julia> mytree
 Row │ nMuon   Muon_pt           Muon_eta          Muon_phi          Muon_mass         Muon_charge     
     │ UInt32  SubArray{Float3   SubArray{Float3   SubArray{Float3   SubArray{Float3   SubArray{Int32, 
 12       Float32[10.76369  Float32[1.066827  Float32[-0.03427  Float32[0.105658  Int32[-1, -1]
 22       Float32[10.53849  Float32[-0.42778  Float32[-0.27479  Float32[0.105658  Int32[1, -1]
 31       Float32[3.275326  Float32[2.210855  Float32[-1.22341  Float32[0.105658  Int32[1]


minimized based on:

  1. nMuon == 4.
  2. All muon has pt > 5 and abs(eta) < 2.4.
  3. Sum of Muon_charge equals 0.
  4. Get the Z_idx = [[idx1, idx2], [idx3, idx4]] which represent two pairs of Z-candidate muons.
  5. Each Z-candidate muon pair must not have dR < 0.02.
  6. Compute the two Z bosons' masses and require first to be between 40,120 GeV, the second between 12,120 GeV.
  7. Compute Higgs' mass and fill Histogram.

Specs and library versions:

$ root --version
ROOT Version: 6.30/05
Built for linuxx8664gcc on Mar 01 2024, 00:06:39
From heads/v6-30-00-patches@v6-30-04-28-g4462606

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.10.3
Commit 0b4590a5507 (2024-04-30 10:59 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official release
Platform Info:
  OS: Linux (x86_64-linux-gnu)
  CPU: 96 × AMD EPYC 7402 24-Core Processor
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7 (ORCJIT, znver2)
Threads: 4 default, 0 interactive, 2 GC (on 96 virtual cores)
(composite_benchmarks) pkg> st
Status `~/UnROOT_RDataFrame_MiniBenchmark/composite_benchmarks/Project.toml`
  [68837c9b] FHist v0.11.4
  [f612022c] LorentzVectorHEP v0.1.6
  [811555cd] ThreadPinning v0.7.22
  [3cd96dde] UnROOT v0.10.30