BigPony 1.12.0 for Minecraft 1.21
- Updated to 1.21
- Added config for setting the min scaling
- Added config to enable/disable networking log messages
- The server will no longer reject player dimensions if it has one previously stored for them
- Rewrote networking to be more reobust
- Fixed player scaling not always being communicated when it should be
- Config changes are now automatically reloaded and applied without needing a server restart
- Server restrictions are now sent live to players when they change
- Mine Little Pony's fillycam setting is now reverted to what it was when turning off the syncing option
- Fixed hitbox sizing not working with fillycam is enabled
- Big Pony no longer overrides the hitbox size changes made by other mods which try to scale the player (Pehqui)
Installation (Modders):
Dependency: com.minelittlepony:bigpony:1.12.0+1.21