Very simple CraftTweaker addon. It currently has only one simple feature:
Add a ZenMethod sendToast()
for IPlayer
// String parameters should be in Raw JSON text format ->
// Don't forget to escape quotes (" -> \") in your string
player.sendToast(titleJson as string, textJson as string, icon as IItemStack);
// Or simply use IData to represent Raw JSON text format instead (easier to coding, recommended)
player.sendToast(titleJson as IData, textJson as IData, icon as IItemStack);
ZenScript below will make a toast like this, on the upper-right corner
// any place you can get IPlayer object, events or something else
// Use the second ZenMethod
// The third IItemStack will become the icon of the toast. We use apple here.
player.sendToast({"text": 111111, "color": "gold"} as IData, {"text": "Hello world"} as IData, <minecraft:apple>);
This mod is built upon the foundation of the 1.12.2
branch of Ecdcaeb/Command-Toast.
Great thanks to the original mod author!
License of this repo will keep the same as its upstream's license.
(Chinese-localized README below)
一个拥有如下功能的简单 CraftTweaker 附属:
向 IPlayer
类型添加了 sendToast()
// String 类型的参数必须按照原始 JSON 文本格式
// 不要忘记转义其中的引号 (" -> \")
player.sendToast(titleJson as string, textJson as string, icon as IItemStack);
// 或者你可以直接用 IData 来表示原始 JSON 文本格式 (推荐)
player.sendToast(titleJson as IData, textJson as IData, icon as IItemStack);
原始 JSON 文本格式的具体写法参考 -> Minecraft 中文 Wiki/原始 JSON 文本格式
// 假设这段脚本置于任何可以拿到 IPlayer 对象的地方,比如事件或者别的什么地方。
// 我们使用第二种 ZenMethod 来写
// 第三个 IItemStack 参数就是成就信息的图标,这里我们用的是苹果物品。
player.sendToast({"text": 111111, "color": "gold"} as IData, {"text": "Hello world"} as IData, <minecraft:apple>);
本模组的源代码是在 Ecdcaeb/Command-Toast 项目的 1.12.2
本仓库的开源许可证将与 上游项目的开源许可 保持一致。