Any random bash projects I make I will put here
Since most of the random bash projects I will make are games, I have a simple game selector
This is a simple game in which the player selects a difficulty and tries to guess a number
This was made with the help of ChatGPT, The guessing part and menues were easy, but I could not for the life of me get the leaderboard how I want, so chatGPT and I worked together to get that part, and even then I still have the suspicion that it is not 100% correct, but anyways that is all.
It is self explanitory, it is for testing
Words will be jumbled and difficulty determines what words one sees
This has barley started, there is nothing much here.
With using i3wm as my ubuntu desktop env, I got tired of having to do systemctl suspend, so I made a command that is to go into where ever you keep custom commands like in .local/bin for instance which basically make the computer sleep in x seconds.
Usage: sus (time in seconds) or -h or --help to see this message
No time makes the system go into suspend after 5 seconds. Any number makes the process wait until that time passed. -h or --help displayes the usage above. Anything else will tell you to put in a number.