Master level course on aerosols and particles at the University of Bremen.
The course is based on the books:
- Friedlander, Sheldon Kay. Smoke, dust, and haze. Oxford university press, 2000.
- Friedlander, Sheldon Kay. "Smoke, dust and haze: Fundamentals of aerosol behavior." New York (1977).
and on
- L. Mädler and S. K. Friedlander, Transport of nanoparticles: overview and recent advances, Aerosol and Air Quality Research 2007 Vol. 7 Issue 3 Pages 304-342
There are two example desing problems:
- Diffusional losses in a laminar pipe flow.
- Change of a number distribution due to coagulation.
Both problems are soved numerically and validated with analytical solutions. Finally there is a new problem statement for curent students of the course.
Introduction to DAE simulation in Python
Diffusion in a pipe - backward Euler
Diffusion in a pipe - iterative
Coagulation 2 - parameter investigations
Coagulation project: PFR reactor design