Provides an Arduino library for GSM Shield This is a base class library for AT communication module, many communicate device of DFRobot depend on it.
The library use for GSM Shield as following function
* @brief Set software serial
* @Param
* &s_ SoftwareSerial
void begin(Stream &s_);
* @brief Init specified module
* @return
* ture Success
* false Failed
bool init(void);
* @brief Get time
* @return
* Current time
char* getTime(void);
* @brief Check signal quality
* @return
* 0-99:Signal quality
int checkSignalQuality(void);
* @brief Start up connection
* @param
* *server Server domain name
* ptl Choose connection protocol Passible value: TCP UDP
* port Contented port
* @return
* ture Success
* false Failed
bool connect(char *server,Protocol ptl,int port);
* @brief Send data
* @param
* *data The data to send
void send(char *data);
* @brief Send data with specify the length
* @param
* buffer The buffer stored data to be send
* len The length of data to be send
void send(void* buffer,size_t len);
* @brief End the connection
* @return
* ture Success
* false Failed
bool close(void);
* @brief Get time
* @return
* Current time
char* getTime(void);
* @brief Start a voice call
* @param
* number Target phonenumber
* @return
* ture Success
* false Failed
bool voiceCall(char* number);
* @brief Hang up the call
void hangCall(void);
* @brief Ready to send short message
* @param
* to Target number for send short message
* @return
* ture Success
* false Failed
bool beginSMS(const char* to);
* @brief Edit message content
* @param
* c The message content
void editSMS(const char* c);
* @brief Send short message
* @return
* ture Success
* false Failed
bool sendSMS(void);
* @brief Get file list
* @return
* The list of all file
- data 2017-11-22
- version V0.1
- author [Zhangjiawei [email protected]]