An overengineered hex color code conversion library for Love2D
Built off of Hex Maniac by LavenderTheGreat
- Convert from RGB(A) with an optional opacity value
- Converts correctly for both 0-1 and 0-255 seemlessly
- Argument validation for both hex color codes and opacity
- Takes console logging functions on initalization
HEXATONIC can be require
d in multiple ways
-- Multistep
local HEXATONIC = require 'hexatonic')
local hex = HEXATONIC(Logger)
-- Single step
-- #1
local hex = require 'hexatonic'(Logger)
-- #2
local hex = require('hexatonic')(Logger)
The logger
argument is a table expected to contain log
, alert
, and error
functions for HEXATONIC to call when or if required.
Usage is simple, simply call hex
with a hex color code and optional opacity value (0-1), it will return a table matching Love's requirements for a color.'20214F'))'20214FA3'))'20214F', 0.25))