Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally. It is therefore necessary to identify the causes and develop a system to predict heart attacks in an effective manner. The data has the information about the factors that might have an impact on cardiovascular health.
1.Preliminary analysis:
- Perform preliminary data inspection and report the findings on the structure of the data, missing values, duplicates, etc.
- Based on these findings, remove duplicates (if any) and treat missing values using an appropriate strategy
2.Prepare a report about the data explaining the distribution of the disease and the related factors using the steps listed below:
- Get a preliminary statistical summary of the data and explore the measures of central tendencies and spread of the data
- Identify the data variables which are categorical and describe and explore these variables using the appropriate tools, such as count plot
- Study the occurrence of CVD across the Age category
- Study the composition of all patients with respect to the Sex category
- Study if one can detect heart attacks based on anomalies in the resting blood pressure (trestbps) of a patient
- Describe the relationship between cholesterol levels and a target variable
- State what relationship exists between peak exercising and the occurrence of a heart attack
- Check if thalassemia is a major cause of CVD
- List how the other factors determine the occurrence of CVD
- Use a pair plot to understand the relationship between all the given variables
3.Build a baseline model to predict the risk of a heart attack using a logistic regression and random forest and explore the results while using correlation analysis and logistic regression (leveraging standard error and p-values from statsmodels) for feature selection
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