This is a tool for detecting anomalies in kotlin code. Anomalies are found in two ways: by classical machine learning algorithms on code metrics and by variational autoencoder on n-grams.
- java 8
- java fx for visualizer.
- JDK 1.6, 1.7 for PSI extraction
- python 3 with packages listed in requiremets.txt
- ./ - to build the feture extraction and visualization kotlin modules
- --no-visualizer to build only feature extractor
- ./ <path to the data set> - run the pipline. The extracted features are placed in the data/ directory and the resulting anomalies data is put in the out-data/ directory.
- java -jar visualizer-cli.jar helps analyze the anomalies found by classical algorithms with metrics
- --seek to extract code with anomalies
- --binary-mark to manualy mark anomalies and useful or not
- --copy to copy kotlin files
- --categ-copy to sort anomalies by category (useful or useless)
The following parts contain external code:
- detection/ngram/anomaly_detection
- License: Apache 2
- origin:
- feature_extraction/ngram/ast_set2matrix
- License: Apache 2
- origin:
- feature_extraction/ngram/bytecode-parser
- License: Apache 2
- origin:
- feature_extraction/ngram/ngram-generator
- License: Apache 2
- origin:
- code_mapping/bytecode-to-source-mapper
- License: Apache 2
- origin:
- code_mapping/bytecode-anomalies-source-finder
- License: Apache 2
- origin: