A responsive and feature-rich Todo application built using React and Vite. The app allows users to manage tasks efficiently with the following unique features:
- Editable and Deletable Tasks: Tasks can be edited or deleted from the pending list.
- Date/Time Management: Each task includes the date and time it was added to the pending list.
- Completed Task Management: Completed tasks move to a separate list with the time and date of completion displayed.
- Multiline Input Support: The app handles task descriptions of up to 3-4 lines.
- Responsive Design: The app is optimized for all device sizes.
- Smart Button Enabling: The "Add Task" button is enabled only when the input field has more than 6 characters.
- Todo List: Add tasks with a minimum of 6 characters, edit, and delete them as needed.
- Completed List: Completed tasks move to a separate list, showing when they were completed.
- Date and Time Tracking: The app tracks when tasks are added and completed.
- Responsive UI: Optimized for use on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
- Multiline Support: Allows task descriptions of up to 3-4 lines.
To clone and run this project locally:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/new-todo-application.git
Navigate to the project directory:
cd new-todo-application
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Run the application:
npm run dev
Open the app in your browser by navigating to:
The app is live on GitHub Pages at:
New Todo Application
- React
- Vite
- TailwindCSS
Developed by Jasvanth.
If you like this project, please give it a ⭐ and feel free to fork the repository!