Easy Tip Calculator was my 2nd completed Android application created using Java, Android SDK, and XML.
The Easy Tip Calculator application launched a graphical user interface which recieves inputs from the user such as tip %, tax %, size of party, and total amount spent. It then evaluates the amount each person has to pay. There is an emailing option that allows the user to send an email the cost to themselves or others.
If you recieve this error/error mark when starting up:"error: Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'Theme.AppCompat.Light'."
1)Right click the project in Package Explorer, select Properties
2)Select Android
3)In the Library section at the bottom, click Add....
4)Select android-support-v7-appcompat in the dialog.
5)Click Apply.
6)Click OK.
7)Do a clean build on the project project.