Purpose: A barebones working CLI version of Othello for implementing Neural Networks or Deep Learning etc.
- Basic 2 Player Game
- Being able to replay game
- Random Agent
- Player vs Player
- Player vs Random Agent
- AI for player vs computer
- Neural Network
- AI vs AI can be implemented super easy, just make a new section in "select players" and change both of the player types to Smart Othello.
1.) pip install -r requirements.txt 2.) Look at main.py. This is where you can simulate a lot of games, run neural networks, training, and more. 3.) If you are satisfied, simply run main.py! Enjoy the game!
Here is some sample Data so far
Iteration 1: Random Vs Random Completed Games: 10,000 Black Won: 47% White Won: 47% Draw: 4%
Trains for 15,000 Iterations
Sample Agent Game:
After Playing 1000 here are the results: The Agent won: 54% The Agent lost: 42% Draws: 3%