This TIA Add-In allows you to connect your VCI workspace at TIA Portal to a Git repository
- About this Project
- How to Use (Installation)
- Functions Documentation
- 3.1 Add
- 3.2 Commit
- 3.3 Log
- 3.4 Status
- 3.5 Reset
- 3.6 Restore
- 3.7 Push
- 3.8 Pull
- 3.9 Free Command
- 3.10 Export Log
- 3.11 Init
- 3.12 Ignore
- 3.13 Clone
- 3.14 Archive and Push
- 3.15 Add/Set Origin
- 3.16 Settings
This is a TIA Add-In, which is a way to embed functions into your TIA Portal. No additional external applications are required to run TIA Add-Ins (See how to use it on item 2).
This project is based on a Siemens AG - SIMATIC Systems Support project: 109773999_TIA_Add-In_VCI_Git_Connector_1.0.0_CODE, to which functions were added and modified.
With this Add-In you can connect the Version Control Interface of TIA with a git repository and then use all git's power on your project.
- Basic knowledge of Git
- Basic knowledge of TIA Portal
- VCI Documentation | Using TIA Portal Version Control Interface
- Git Documentation
- Add-In Documentation | Extending TIA Portal functions with add-ins
Follow the steps below
- TIA V16, V17 or V18 installed - V18 TRIAL Download
- Git installed - Latest source Release Download
- Version 1.0.0 - VCIGitConnector.addin
No installation is required to run the Add-In. You just have to copy the .addin file downloaded above to your AddIns folder.
The AddIns folder is found inside your TIA Portal Installation directory. The standard location is
C:\Program Files\Siemens\Automation\Portal V17\AddIns
When you paste it you will be asked for administrator permission, you just have to confirm if you are already logged in as a Windows administrator.
After copying the file, open your TIA Portal and open the project view. On the right of the screen open the Add-ins tab, select VCIGitConnector.addin, and change the status to Activate. You will be asked to apply permissions, click Yes to Activate the Add-In.
If you followed the steps above, your Add-In is active on your TIA Portal, independently from the TIA project.
To use Git on your project, create a VCI workspace, configure the repository folder, and select Git as the Version control add-in.
To add files from your project to your VCI repository or from your repository to your project, simply drag and drop the files or folders.
To see what can be used with VCI check the specific documentation in item 1.2.
The Git is going to work at the VCI repository making it a Git repository as well. To use any functions you must have at least one file to the configured repository or drag and drop something from the project to the repository.
To use the functions right click any of the files or folders on the repository side and choose the command you want, you can select more than one object to apply the command. Check the functions at item 3. To learn more about Git check the specific documentation in item 1.2.
The commands may differ a little bit from Git's original terminal commands, for example combining more than one command, therefore is recommended to read the documentation before use.
Git commands will not be explained in this documentation. To learn more about Git commands refer to item 1.2.
Adds the selected objects
git add 'selected objects'
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Commits the selected objects
git commit 'selected objects' -m "given message"
A commit message will be requested on a pop-up
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Shows resumed log
git log --oneline
Returns the log or error message on a pop-up
Shows repository status
git status
Returns the status or error message on a pop-up
Resets the selected objects
git reset HEAD 'selected objects'
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Restores the selected objects
git restore 'selected objects'
A confirmation will be requested on a pop-up
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Pushes the repository
git push
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
It is necessary to add remote origin first
Pulls the repository
git pull
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
It is necessary to add remote origin first
Allows you to execute any git command
The command will be requested on a pop-up and must be written without the 'git'
git 'passed command'
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Exports an HTML file with git's log
If a file gitLog.html already exists, it will be overwritten
git log
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Creates a gitLog.html file on the current directory
Initiates a git repository and configures the user
git init
git config 'given name'
git config 'given email'
User name and email will be requested on a pop-up
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Ignores the selected files
If the file .ignore doesn't exist, it will be created on the current directory
If the file .ignore exists, the file will be added to the end of it
Clones a remote repository
git clone 'given URL'
The remote repository address will be requested on a pop-up
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Archives the current project to the repository directory, adds, commit, and pushes the changes
git add .
git commit -m "Added archived project"
git push
Adds remote Origin
If Origin already exists, set-url for remote Origin
git remote add origin 'given URL'
git remote set-url origin 'given URL'
The remote origin address will be requested on a pop-up
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Here you can set up some default configurations
Commits the added files to VCI automatically
git add .
git commit -m 'given message'
A commit message will be requested on a pop-up
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
Commit and pushes the added files to VCI automatically
git add .
git commit -m 'given message'
git push
A commit message will be requested on a pop-up
Returns successful or error message on a pop-up
It is necessary to add remote origin first