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Releases: IBMStreams/streamsx.jdbc 1.9.0

24 Feb 08:51
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Release of streamsx.jdbc toolkit Version v1.8.0

24 Mar 11:14
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Release of streamsx.jdbc toolkit Version v1.8.0

What is new in version 1.8.0

  • Add JDBC property retrieveMessagesFromServerOnGetMessage=true to the Db2 URL to retrieve full SQL error message.

Release of streamsx.jdbc toolkit Version v1.7.2

13 Feb 18:41
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Release of streamsx.jdbc toolkit Version v1.7.2

What is new in this release.

  • Globalization support

The translation of message property files for the following languages have been upgraded :

  • de_DE
  • es_ES
  • pt_BR
  • ja_JP
  • fr_FR
  • it_IT
  • zh_CN
  • zh_TW

JDBC toolkit release version 1.7.1

03 Jul 08:24
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JDBC toolkit release version 1.7.1

++ What is new in version 1.7.1

The idle session timer issue (#55) fixed in this version.
The JDBCRun operator provides a new parameter idleSessionTimeOut.
Once the idle time value is reached, it close the database connection .

JDBC toolkit release version 1.7.0

14 Jun 05:50
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JDBC toolkit release version 1.7.0

What is new in version 1.7.0

The JDBCRun operator provides a new parameter idleSessionTimeOut. Once the idle time value is reached, it close the database connection .

It supports also

two new application configuration properties: keyStorePassword and trustStorePassword

JDBC toolkit release version 1.6.0

15 May 09:51
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JDBC toolkit release version 1.6.0

What is new in version 1.6.0

The JDBCRun operators provides new parameters for SSL configuration:
keyStoreType, trustStoreType, securityMechanism, pluginName.

JDBC toolkit release version 1.5.0

07 May 13:26
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JDBC toolkit release version 1.5.0

What is new in version 1.5.0

  • Add jdbcUrl to the jdbcProperties file.

  • Supports both jdbcUrl and jdbcurl in credentials and in properties file.

  • Now it is poosible to connect to a database with the following parameters:

    1- jdbcUser, JdbcPassword, and jdbcUrl.
    2- jdbcProperties: specifies the path name of the file that contains user, password, jdbcUrl.
    It supports also 'username' or 'jdbcUser' as 'user' and 'jdbcPassword' as 'password' and 'jdbcurl' as 'jdbcUrl'.
    3- credentials: A JSON string that cotains username, password, jdbcUrl(jdcburl)
    4- appConfigName: Streams application configuration that supports like credentials
    username, password, jdbcUrl(or jdcburl)

JDBC toolkit release version 1.4.4

08 Feb 08:02
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JDBC toolkit release version 1.4.4
This release delivers corrections for :
JDBCRun cannot write SPL blobs to DB2 tables as BLOBs #82
JDBCrun did not shut down cleanly in case of SQL error #84

JDBC toolkit release version 1.4.3

23 Jan 13:12
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JDBC toolkit release version 1.4.3
The JDBCRun operators provides now a new parameter credentials.
This optional parameter specifies a JSON string that contains the JDBC credentials.

It supports also Application Configurations

This release delivers the corrections for #79 #78 #74 #43

JDBC toolkit release version 1.4.2

05 Nov 13:06
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JDBC toolkit release version 1.4.2
This release delivers a correction to fix the NullpointerException in setupClassPath when applying absolute path for jdbcDriverLib #71