Reproduce polarization distribution plots from
Install the following prerequisites:
- madgraph 5:
- recent version of python2: (2.7 with numpy 1.9). If you don't have, get from here:
- ROOT 6: download source from and compile with
./configure && make
To check python version
$ python --version
Python 2.7.9
$ python -c "import numpy; print numpy.__version__"
Check that you have ROOT working in python
$ python
>>> import ROOT
>>> ROOT.gROOT.GetVersion()
In madgraph, install pythia with
MG5_aMC> install pythia-pgs
Simulation of MadGraph+MadSpin+Pythia with p p > t t~ h
, inclusive higgs decays.
To run, call
$ cd runcards/madgraph
MG5_aMC> import tth_haa_madspin/Cards/proc_card_mg5.dat
MG5_aMC> launch
MG5_aMC> *** manually select MadSpin (4) and pythia (1), type "done"
TODO: figure out hadronization & detector simulation.
The LHE output will be in runcards/madgraph/tth_haa_madspin//Events/run_01_decayed_1/tag_1_pythia_events.lhe.gz
Unpack with
$ gzip -d runcards/madgraph/tth_haa_madspin//Events/run_01_decayed_1/tag_1_pythia_events.lhe.gz
Run as python file.lhe
. Will convert all events and particles to a root tree.
$ python lhetools/ runcards/madgraph/tth_haa_madspin//Events/run_01_decayed_1/tag_1_pythia_events.lhe
Setup complete
Opened file runcards/madgraph/tth_haa_madspin//Events/run_01_decayed_1/tag_1_pythia_events.lhe
Converting to .root format and outputing to lhe.root
$ du -csh lhe.root
8.7M lhe.root
Run as python analysis/ file.root
. Will loop over all particles and print out the decay chain.
TODO: add simple reconstruction example.
Here is one event, commented.
#gluon gluon fusion (four-momentum) status mothers
p[g] (-61.71, 50.64, 381.63, 389.89) -1 []
p[g] (128.62, -13.42, -184.32, 225.16) -1 []
#top, antitop and higgs, coming from gluons
p[t] (82.03, 8.04, -45.68, 198.13) 2 ['g']
p[~t] (-25.77, 17.96, 229.70, 290.26) 2 ['g']
p[h] (10.64, 11.22, 13.29, 126.65) 2 ['g']
#top decay
p[b] (39.25, -25.99, 44.96, 65.27) 2 ['t']
p[W+] (42.78, 34.03, -90.64, 132.87) 2 ['t']
#antitop decay
p[~b] (42.48, 33.87, 23.98, 59.57) 2 ['~t']
p[W-] (-68.25, -15.91, 205.72, 230.69) 2 ['~t']
#W+ decay
p[u] (24.60, 22.90, -102.92, 108.26) 2 ['W+']
p[~d] (18.19, 11.13, 12.28, 24.60) 2 ['W+']
#W- decay
p[d] (1.04, -2.32, -6.53, 7.01) 2 ['W-']
p[~u] (-69.29, -13.59, 212.25, 223.68) 2 ['W-']
#higgs decay
p[b] (13.27, 31.94, 63.27, 72.27) 2 ['h']
p[~b] (-2.62, -20.72, -49.98, 54.38) 2 ['h']
#intermediate particles
p[g] (-130.00, 18.94, -2519.77, 2523.23) 1 []
p[b] (88.80, -45.54, 103.13, 145.91) 1 []
p[b] (46.59, 40.22, 21.29, 66.82) 1 []
p[g] (-60.77, 2.53, 189.89, 199.68) 1 []
p[g] (35.25, 5.74, -64.14, 74.70) 1 []
p[g] (-21.46, -18.56, -3.37, 29.95) 1 []
p[g] (7.57, 24.29, -42.94, 50.64) 1 []