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Name Description
Video One Simple Hardhat Project Folder Creation
Video Two chapter 1, 2

Create a change owner function in the lock contract
Wrote tests for it
Deployed contract to goerli
Wrote scripts to view / change owner
Video Three and Four chapter 2, 3 - 5, 8, 13, 15

Made a ticket buying contract on solidity
- Struct
- Mappings
- Enums
- Events
- Modifiers
- Loops
- functions
Wrote tests for all functionality
Connected and Deoplyed to Ganache
Made scripts for buying/transfering/withdrawing
Video Five chapter 7

Added Fallback and Receive Function
Wrote tests for it
Made another contract to trigger Bookticket's receive and fallback functions
Video Six and Seven chapter 6

withdraw pattern
Video Eight Performed
  - call
  - delegate call
  - static call
Video Nine chapter 6, 15

handled multiple inhertance
return functions
encode functions
Test chapter 14,