We use a software layer singularity that allows every user to create an isolated environment or "singularity image" for themselves in which they can install anything they wish. It's widely used by the LHC grid and by multiple HPC sites. This allows to install any system libraries or binary packages, including complicated stuff like CUDA, for multiple mutually incompatible setups at the same time (in different images).
Basically, this means that instead of executing directly
[manivald]$ python3 my_program.py
which will fail due to missing libraries, you run
[manivald]$ /home/software/bin/run-env.sh /home/software/singularity/base.simg python3 my_program.py
such that your program runs within the environment defined in /home/software/singularity/base.simg
A number of images are maintained here:
/home/software/singularity/base.simg: modern gcc, cmake, OpenCL, CUDA 11.7
/home/software/singularity/pytorch.simg:2024-05-21: pytorch 2.3, CUDA 12.1
/home/software/singularity/tf-2.14.0.simg:2024-01-16: tensorflow 2.14, CUDA 11.8
You can also find images on dockerhub, in /cvmfs, or from the internet (do not run untrusted images).
For local usage (manivald, gpu0), do this once on manivald:
singularity build --fakeroot base.simg specs/base.singularity
Add the necessary libraries using a pull request by editing the spec file.