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DefineOutside edited this page Jul 10, 2022 · 3 revisions


Alert permissions

grim.alerts - Receive alerts for violations

grim.brand - Receive alerts for client brands

Exempt permissions

grim.nosetback - Disables setbacks for the player. May be used to disable all setbacks at once or as a perk for staff/ranks.

grim.nomodifypacket - Disables nofall correction, timer correction, reach cancelling, and other packet modification.

grim.exempt - The player is ignored by grim

Command permissions

grim.performance - Allows you to use /grim perf

grim.profile - Allows you to use /grim profile [player]

grim.sendalert - Allows you to use /grim sendalert [message]

grim.debug - Allows you to use /grim debug - Allows you to use /grim help

grim.reload - Allows you to use /grim reload

grim.spectate - Allows you to use /grim spectate [player] and /grim stopspectating

grim.log - Allows you to use /grim log [0-255]

grim.verbose - Allows you to use /grim verbose

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