Follow these steps:
- Fork the git repo
- Clone the forked git repo
- Head to frontend branch on your code editor.
git checkout frontend
- Check for the remote url (optional)
git remote -v
- Stage changes
git add .
- Commit Changes
git commit -m "added ReadMe file"
- Pull
git pull origin frontend
Use origin if you've not published the branch - Now Push
git push -u origin frontend
We are using four branches for this project
Backend Devs: For all backend tasks, create your own branches
Frontend Devs: For all front end tasks, create your own branches
Develop: For FE & BE integration and tests
Master: Final branch for deployment only
NOTE: Always create pull requests
Always include details of your contribution
Remember to pull first and update your local repo before making a PR
The master branch shall remain untouched until deployment stage.