CobWeb is a Python library for web scraping. The library consists of two classes: Spider and Scraper.
The Spider class is used to crawl a website and identify internal and external links. It has the following methods:
__init__(self, url, max_hops = 0): Initializes a Spider object with the given URL and maximum number of links to follow from the initial URL.
_getLinks(self): Crawls the website and identifies internal and external links.
_showLinks(self): Returns the set of internal and external URLs found during crawling.
__str__(self): Returns a string representation of the Spider object.
__repr__(self): Returns a string representation of the Spider object.
The Scraper class extends the functionality of the Spider class by scraping HTML content from web pages based on user-defined parameters. It has the following methods:
__init__(self, config): Initializes a Scraper object with the given configuration parameters.
run(self): A public method to scrape HTML content from web pages based on user-defined parameters.
__str__(self): Returns a string representation of the Scraper object.
__repr__(self): Returns a string representation of the Scraper object.
You can install CobWeb using pip:
pip install CobWeb
Config is either an object in memory or a YAML file you can build by installing YAMLbuilder or by using the provided template! Example of a complete object:
config = {
Example of YAML file (If you choose this path call the config_parser function and give it a valid path!):
attrV: []
attrs: []
classes: []
selectors: []
from CobWeb import Spider, Scraper
# Create a Spider object with a URL and maximum number of hops
spider = Spider("", max_hops=10)
# Get the internal and external links
links =
# Create a Scraper object with a configuration dictionary
# hops defines how deep it will scrape, it uses the Spider internally to get more links and scrape from those pages! If you just want to scrape from a single page set it to 0 or don't provide hops
config = {
"url": "",
"hops": 2,
"tags": ["h1", "p"]
scraper = Scraper(config)
# Scrape HTML content from web pages based on user-defined parameters
results =
# Print the results it shall be a dictionary with arrays of scraped content separated by element, attributes, etc provided in the config!