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A Zebble plugin for signing with Google.


With this plugin you can get information from the user of Google like gmail, google plus, etc in Zebble application and it is available on all platforms.


Api Usage

Call Zebble.Google.SignIn from any project to gain access to APIs.

public override async Task OnInitializing()
    await base.OnInitializing();

    await Zebble.Google.SignIn();

Then you can get the user information by handling the UserSignedIn event like below:

Google.UserSignedIn.Handle(user =>

The UserSignedIn has an argument which is an instance of Zebble.Google.User object which contains these properties:

public class User
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string GivenName { get; set; }
    public string FamilyName { get; set; }
    public string Picture { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; }
    public string Token { get; }

Platform Specific Notes

Some platforms require some setting to make you able to use this plugin.


First of all, you need to create a project by refering to and create your credentials for accessing Google Plus and enableing the Google API and download the "google-services.json" file and paste it to the root of Android project, then, set the Build Action property of it to "GoogleServiceJSON". Secoundly, add the folowing resource into your strings.xml file:

<string name="server_client_id">PASTE HERE YOU CLIENT-ID<string>

Finally, in android MainActivity add this code like below:


So, your MainActivity will looks like this:

protected override async void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)


    await (StartUp.Current = new UI.StartUp()).Run();

Then you can use Zebble.Google.SignIn() method whereever you need to show the sign in dialog of google. �


In IOS platform you need to create a credentials and use your clientId to sign in to the google account and get user information like below:


protected override async Task Initialize()

    Zebble.Google.Initialize("Your Client ID");


Then you can sign in by google account like below:

await Zebble.Google.SignIn();

Also, you need to add some URL types into the Info.plist file like below:

    		<string>com.googleusercontent.apps.Your Client ID</string>


In this platform you should create a new credentials with client secret and then call Zebble.Google.SignIn:

Zebble.Google.Initialize("Your Client ID","Your application protocol name");

So, your Program.cs will looks like below:

public static void Main()

    Zebble.Google.Initilize("Your Client ID","Your application protocol name");


Finally, you can call sign in method to sign in with google:

await Zebble.Google.SignIn();
UWP credentials instruction:
  1. Visit the Credentials page of the Developers Console
  2. Create a new OAuth 2.0 client, select iOS (yes, it's a little strange to select iOS, but the way the OAuth client works with UWP is similar to iOS, so this is currently the correct client type to create).
  3. As your bundle ID, enter your domain name in reverse DNS notation. E.g. if your domain was "", use "com.example" as your bundle ID. Note that your bundle ID MUST contain a period character ., and MUST be less than 39 characters long
  4. Copy the created client-id and replace the clientID value in this sample
  5. Edit the manifest by right-clicking and selecting "View Code" (due to a limitation of Visual Studio it wasn't possible to declare a URI scheme containing a period in the UI).
  6. Find the "Protocol" scheme, and replace it with the bundle id you registered in step 3. (e.g. "com.example")


Event Type Android iOS Windows
UserSignedIn AsyncEvent<Zebble.Google.User> x x x


Method Return Type Parameters Android iOS Windows
Initilize void clientId -> string
, applicationBundle -> string
Initilize void clientId -> string
Initilize void - x
SignIn Task - x x x


A plugin for authenticating with Google OAuth






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