A plugin to add shadow for all objects in Zebble application.
With BoxShadow plugin you can add rounded and typical shadow with different color and offset in all of platforms of Zebble aplications.
- Available on NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Zebble.BoxShadow/
- Install in your platform client projects.
- Available for iOS, Android and UWP.
To add shadow to the Views you can use below code:
public override async Task OnInitialized()
myLabel.BoxShadow(xOffset: 0, yOffset: 0, blurRadius: 7, expand: -5, color: Colors.DarkGray);
Property | Type | Android | iOS | Windows |
Color | Color | x | x | x |
XOffset | int | x | x | x |
YOffset | int | x | x | x |
BlurRadius | int | x | x | x |
For | View | x | x | x |