Normalize emphasized words
Phonetic without stemming
TextNormalization tn = new TextNormalization();
String normalized = tn.normalize("heeeellloooo", false));
// ---> heeeellloooo = hello
Phonetic with stemming
String normalized = tn.normalize("occcccccuring", true);
// ---> occcccccuring = occur
Combination without stemming
String [] words = TextNormalization.normalizeCombination("heeeellloooo", true);
// ---> hellloooo = helo, heloo, helloo, hello
Combination with stemming
String [] words = TextNormalization.normalizeCombination("occcccccuring", true);
// ---> occcurrrring = ocur, occur, ocurr, occurr
See the doc for the full list of usages.