Dataviewer Web App made using:
- Svelte
- Tailwind
- Axio
- Svelte-spa-router
- chart.js
- Node.js
- Express
- Mongoose
- MongoDB
- run a mongodb server (Either via the docker compose file up normally)
- install the required packages via npm/yarn etc.
- using npm run the dev function on the frontend
- using npm run the watch-run function on the backend
- visit the localhost url given by the dev function
- Open a terminal
- CD into the root of this project
- Edit the docker-compose.yml to change ports if required etc
- Edit the "Frontend/src/Services/Api.js" baseurl to point to the address of the Backend Service
- Edit the "Backend/src/DB/DBS/MongooseDB.ts" to point to the address of the Mongoose Service
- Use "Docker-compose up -d" to start the services
- Access the Dashboard by going to port 5000 (default) of the Frontend Service