npm install discord-analytics
Note: To use Discord Analytics, you need to have an API token. Check the docs for more informations :
With Discord.js:
// Import Discord.js's client and intents
const { Client, IntentsBitField } = require("discord.js")
// import discord-analytics
const { default: DiscordAnalytics } = require("discord-analytics/discordjs")
// Create Discord client
const client = new Client({
intents: [IntentsBitField.Flags.Guilds] // This intent is required
// Create Discord Analytics instance
// Don't forget to replace YOUR_API_TOKEN by your Discord Analytics token !
const analytics = new DiscordAnalytics({
client: client,
apiToken: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN',
sharded: false // Set it to true if your bot use shards
// start tracking selected events
// When Discord client is ready
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log("Bot is ready!");
// Login to Discord
// Don't forget to replace token by your Discord bot token !
With Eris:
const {Client} = require("eris");
const {default: DiscordAnalytics} = require("discord-analytics/eris");
// Create Eris client.
// Don't forget to replace token by your Discord bot token !
const bot = new Client("token");
bot.on("ready", () => {
// Create Discord Analytics instance
// Don't forget to replace YOUR_API_TOKEN by your Discord Analytics token !
const analytics = new DiscordAnalytics({
client: client,
apiToken: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN'
// start tracking selected events
// Login to Discord
With Oceanic.js:
// Import Discord.js's client and intents
const { Client } = require("oceanic.js")
// import discord-analytics
const { default: DiscordAnalytics } = require("discord-analytics/oceanic")
// Create Discord client
const client = new Client({
auth: "Bot <YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>",
gateway: {
intents: ["GUILDS"] // This intent is required
// Create Discord Analytics instance
// Don't forget to replace YOUR_API_TOKEN by your Discord Analytics token !
const analytics = new DiscordAnalytics({
client: client,
apiToken: 'YOUR_API_TOKEN'
// start tracking selected events
// When Discord client is ready
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log("Bot is ready!");
// Login to Discord
// Don't forget to replace token by your Discord bot token !
For advanced usages and updated docs, please check