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DeDiamondPro committed Mar 20, 2024
1 parent d5a3121 commit 918c521
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Showing 5 changed files with 155 additions and 25 deletions.
16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions aqlarp.service

This file was deleted.

87 changes: 86 additions & 1 deletion documentation/src/
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@@ -1,4 +1,57 @@
# Installing software
In this chapter we will go over installing and setting up all software required for AQLARP to work. You should already have AQLARP's GitHub repo cloned in your home directory as specified in [chapter 4.1](/ch04-01-raspberry-pi-setup.html#clone-the-github-repo)
## Installing ros2
AQLARP is built using ros2 iron, it might work with later versions but this is untested. To install ros2 iron you can follow [their installation instructions]( After installing ros2 you must also install colcon, this is ros2's build system. To do this run the command below.
$ sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
## Sourcing ros2 automatically
To use ros2 you must source it every time, this can be annoying. To do this automatically run the following command.
nano ~/.bashrc
Then add these 2 lines at the end of the file.
source /opt/ros/iron/setup.bash
source ~/new_ws/install/setup.bash
Then press `Ctrl + O` to save and `Ctrl + X` to exit. To make this apply you should log out of the Raspberry Pi and start a new shell session.
## Installing dependencies
To install dependencies first go into the workspace directory, to do this run the following command.
$ cd ~/AQLARP/ros2_ws
Then run the following command to install all required dependencies using rosdep.
$ rosdep install --from-paths src -y --ignore-src
Then additionally you have to install pygame using pip, since the version rosdep uses is severally outdated. To do this run the following command.
$ python3 -m pip install pygame

## Building the code
You should be in the workspace directory as specified in the previous step. Then to build the code run the following command and wait for it to complete
$ colcon build
## Calibrating the servos
Since the servos aren't exactly at 90° they have to be calibrated. To run the calibration script run the following command.
$ ros2 run aqlarp_motors calibration
Then to use the calibration script use the left and right arrow keys to increase or decrease the angle offset and use the up and down arrow keys to switch servo. You should try to set all servos as close to 90 degrees as possible.
## Running the code
To run all code of AQLARP, and thus start the robot, run the following command.
$ ros2 launch aqlarp_main
To control the robot you will have to connect a ps4 controller, you can either do this by using a cable and connecting it using one of the USB ports, or alternatively you can use the instructions in the next part to connect the ps4 controller wirelessly.

The controls for AQLARP are as follows:
- Playstation button: start and stop the servos
- Left Joystick: Make the robot strafe in the direction you specify
- Right Joystick: Make the robot turn by moving the joystick left and right.
## Connecting ps4 controller wirelessly
Open a command prompt on the raspberry pi (with ssh) and run the following command to get into the Bluetooth command line.
Expand All @@ -20,4 +73,36 @@ Then finally to make it so the controller can connect to AQLARP by just pressing
trust <MAC address>
Now type `exit` to exit the Bluetooth terminal. If you want to disconnect the controller, hold down the PlayStation button for 10 seconds. To reconnect the controller, press the PlayStation button once.
Now type `exit` to exit the Bluetooth terminal. If you want to disconnect the controller, hold down the PlayStation button for 10 seconds. To reconnect the controller, press the PlayStation button once.

## Making the code run on startup
If you want to make AQLARP's code run on startup so you can just connect the controller and use it, you will have to create a file called `aqlarp.service` at `/etc/systemd/system/`.
To do this run the following command.
$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/aqlarp.service
Then paste the following content into it.
Description="AQLARP daemon"



ExecStart=/opt/ros/iron/bin/ros2 launch aqlarp_main

If you use a different user then AQLARP or have cloned the GitHub repo in a different location, you will have to edit this file accordingly. To save the file press `Ctrl + O` and then press `Ctrl + X` to save.

Then finally to enable the service run the following command.
$ sudo systemctl enable --now aqlarp.service
39 changes: 36 additions & 3 deletions ros2_ws/src/aqlarp_main/aqlarp_main/
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# - 3: Back Right, Pin: 3-5
joint_to_pin = [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 3, 4, 5, 0, 1, 2]

# The class for the main node
class MainNode(Node):
def __init__(self):
# Initialize the node
# self.pitch_controller = PID(Kp = 0.2, Ki = 0.1, Kd = 0.0, setpoint = 0, output_limits = (-12, 12))
# self.roll_controller = PID(Kp = 0.2, Ki = 0.1, Kd = 0.0, setpoint = 0, output_limits = (-10, 10))

# Create a list with the supported giats, this is currentelly only the crawling giat
# But more can be added at a later data.
self.giats = [CrawlingGiat()]

# Initialize some default variables
self.enabled = False
self.x_heading = self.z_heading = self.rotation_heading = 0
self.gyro_pitch = self.gyro_roll = 90.0

# Create the publisher used to set the joint angles
self.angle_publisher = self.create_publisher(JointAngles, 'joint_angles', 10)
# Create the publisher to disable the servos
self.disable_joints_publisher = self.create_publisher(Empty, 'disable_joints', 10)
# Create a listener for new gyro data
self.gyro_listener = self.create_subscription(GyroAngles, 'gryo_angles', self.gyro_update, 10)
# Create a listener to disable or enable power
self.power_listener = self.create_subscription(Bool, 'power', self.power_update, 10)
# Create a listener to get the heading of the robot
self.heading_listener = self.create_subscription(Heading, 'heading', self.heading_update, 10)

# Run 100 times a second
# Run the main function 100 times per second
self.timer = self.create_timer(0.01, self.update)

# Function that is called when new gyro values are recivied
def gyro_update(self, msg):
# Save the new values
self.gyro_pitch = msg.pitch
self.gyro_roll = msg.roll

# Function that is called when the power state is changed
def power_update(self, msg):
# Save the new power state
self.enabled =

# Function that is called when the heading is changed
def heading_update(self, msg):
# Limit the heading to a circle with a radius of 1 and save it
self.x_heading, self.z_heading = project_to_circle(msg.x_heading, msg.z_heading)
# Limit the rotation between -1 and 1 and save it
self.rotation_heading = clamp(msg.rotation_heading, -1, 1)

# Main function that updates all joint angles
def update(self):
# If the robot isn't disable, send the message to disable the joints and return
if not self.enabled:

# Get the leg positions from the current giat
positions = self.giats[0].get_leg_positions(self.x_heading, self.z_heading, self.rotation_heading)

# Initialize a new empty joint angles object
jointAngles = JointAngles()

# Loop over each leg
for leg in range(4):
# Get the positions of the leg
leg_positions = positions.legs[leg]
# Calculate the angles for the leg
angles = calc_angles(leg, leg_positions[0], leg_positions[1], leg_positions[2], positions.pitch, positions.roll, positions.rotation)
# Add the angles to the joint angles object
for joint in range(3):
jointAngles.angles[leg * 3 + joint] = angles[joint]

# Publish the new angles to the joint angles topic

# Main function called on start
def main(args = None):
# Initiliaze the ros library

# Create a new instance of the main node
node = MainNode()
# Log that the node has started
node.get_logger().info('AQLARP core node started')
# Run the node

# Cleanup
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37 changes: 32 additions & 5 deletions ros2_ws/src/aqlarp_main/aqlarp_main/src/
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from .utils import project_to_circle, ease, clamp
from .leg_positions import LegPositions

# The class for the crawling giat
# In this giat one leg is lifted at a time
class CrawlingGiat():
def __init__(self):
# Initialize the x value
self.x = 0

def get_leg_positions(self, moving_x, moving_z, rotation_heading):
# Calculate the speed of the robot
# This is the maximum of the speed in the x and z direction and the rotation speed
speed = max(sqrt(moving_x * moving_x + moving_z * moving_z), abs(rotation_heading))
# Get the heading by projecting the x and z values to a circle
heading_x, heading_z = project_to_circle(moving_x, moving_z, False)

# Intiliaze an empty leg positions value
positions = LegPositions()

# If the robot isn't moving, set all legs to the default position and return
if speed == 0:
for leg in range(4):
positions.legs[leg] = [0, 15, 0]
return positions

# Update the x value based on the speed
self.x += 0.03 * speed
if self.x >= 4:
self.x = 0

# Loop over each leg
for leg in range(4):
# Calculate the lifted leg
# 0-1: Front left lifted
if self.x < 1:
lifted_leg = 0
Expand All @@ -34,7 +44,9 @@ def get_leg_positions(self, moving_x, moving_z, rotation_heading):
# 3-4: Back left lifted
lifted_leg = 2

# Adjust the x value based on the current leg
# The leg should always be lifted if this adjust value is between 0 and 1
adjusted_x = self.x
if leg == 1:
adjusted_x -= 2
Expand All @@ -45,34 +57,46 @@ def get_leg_positions(self, moving_x, moving_z, rotation_heading):
if adjusted_x < 0:
adjusted_x += 4

# Calculate the leg start and end position
leg_start_x = 2 * abs(heading_x)
leg_end_x = -4 * abs(heading_x)
# If the heading is negative, swap the start and end position
if heading_x < 0:
leg_start_x, leg_end_x = leg_end_x, leg_start_x

# Calculate the leg start and end position for the z direction
leg_start_z = 2 * abs(heading_z)
leg_end_z = -2 * abs(heading_z)
# If the heading is negative, swap the start and end position
if heading_z < 0:
leg_start_z, leg_end_z = leg_end_z, leg_start_z

# Apply the rotation
# The direction of this is different for the front and back legs
if leg < 2:
leg_start_z += 2 * rotation_heading
leg_end_z -= 2 * rotation_heading
leg_start_z -= 2 * rotation_heading
leg_end_z += 2 * rotation_heading
# Limit the z values to -2 and 2
leg_start_z = clamp(leg_start_z, -2, 2)
leg_end_z = clamp(leg_end_z, -2, 2)

x_offset = leg_start_x + (leg_end_x - leg_start_x) * ease((adjusted_x - 1.0) / 3.0)
# Calculate the offset for the legs
x_offset = leg_start_x + (leg_end_x - leg_start_x) * ((adjusted_x - 1.0) / 3.0)
y_offset = 15
z_offset = leg_start_z + (leg_end_z - leg_start_z) * ease((adjusted_x - 1.0) / 3.0)
z_offset = leg_start_z + (leg_end_z - leg_start_z) * ((adjusted_x - 1.0) / 3.0)

# If the current leg is the lifted leg, adjust the x, y and z values
# So they move in the oppisite direction of the movement
if leg == lifted_leg:
x_offset = leg_end_x + (leg_start_x - leg_end_x) * ease(adjusted_x)
y_offset -= 5 * ease(adjusted_x * 2)
z_offset = leg_end_z + (leg_start_z - leg_end_z) * ease(adjusted_x)

# Calculate the smoothing value, this is used to make the robot move to the side
# To help with balance
raised_leg_x = self.x - floor(self.x)
ease_point = 0.2
if raised_leg_x < ease_point:
Expand All @@ -82,9 +106,12 @@ def get_leg_positions(self, moving_x, moving_z, rotation_heading):
smoothing = 1

# make the robot move to the side to help with balance
x_offset += (-1.3 if lifted_leg < 2 else 1.3) * smoothing
z_offset += (-1.3 if lifted_leg == 1 or lifted_leg == 2 else 1.3) * smoothing

# Set the leg position
positions.legs[leg] = [x_offset, y_offset, z_offset]

# Return the leg positions
return positions
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions ros2_ws/src/aqlarp_main/aqlarp_main/src/
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
default = [0], [15], [0]

# Class to store the positions for each of the legs, and the transformations of the body
class LegPositions:
def __init__(self, legs = [default] * 4, pitch = 0, roll = 0, rotation = 0):
self.legs = legs
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