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Tools for creating and managing independent chunks of data.

This extension provides a base entity for storing arbitrary data. It can be used in a number of cases, especially, if you don't want yet to create a brand new model, database migrations and tables, but you have no other options.

ckanext-flakes gives you a set of actions for creating and managing small dictionary-like objects(anything, that can be serialized into JSON). If you are using it and want to add an extra action, feel free to create a PR or an issue with your suggestion.



Create a collection of records

Scenario: user needs a todo list

Flakes created by any user are visible only to this user so flakes can be used as a storage for private data.

Flakes can have extras, that plays a role of tags. extras represented by a dictionary and whenever user lists his flakes, he has an option to see only flakes that contains particular data inside extras.

flake_create = tk.get_action("flakes_flake_create")
flake_list = tk.get_action("flakes_flake_create")

# create an urgent taks
    {"user": "john"},
    {"data": {"task": "feed the cat"}, "extras": {"when": "today", "type": "task"}}

# create a couple of tasks that can wait
    {"user": "john"},
    {"data": {"task": "buy food"}, "extras": {"when": "tomorrow", "type": "task"}}
    {"user": "john"},
    {"data": {"task": "update documentation"}, "extras": {"when": "tomorrow", "type": "task"}}

# list all the tasks
    {"user": "john"},
    {"extras": {"type": "task"}}

# list all the urgent tasks
    {"user": "john"},
    {"extras": {"type": "task", "when": "today"}}

# list all the tasks for tomorrow
    {"user": "john"},
    {"extras": {"type": "task", "when": "tomorrow"}}

Save the value of the option individually for every user

Scenario: each user can set a theme of application and this theme will be applied only for the current user

Flakes are created for the user from the context. Flakes of the user A are visible only to the user A, flakes of the user B exist in the different namespace and are visible only to the user B.

Each flake can have a name. Name must be unique among the flakes of the user. But different users can use the same names for their flakes, because every user has its own namespace for flakes.

Flakes can be created either via flakes_flake_create action(accepts optional name and raises exception if name is not unique) or flakes_flake_override(requires a name and creates a new flake if name is not taken or updates existing flake if name already used by some flake)

In order to get the flake use flakes_flake_show with the id of the flake or flakes_flake_lookup with the name.

# set a theme for John
    {"user": "john"},
    {"name": "application:theme", "data": {"theme": "dark"}}

# set a theme for Mary
    {"user": "mary"},
    {"name": "application:theme", "data": {"theme": "light"}}

# get the value from the flake
john_theme = tk.get_action("flakes_flake_lookup")(
    {"user": "john"},
    {"name": "application:theme"}

mary_theme = tk.get_action("flakes_flake_lookup")(
    {"user": "mary"},
    {"name": "application:theme"}

assert john_theme == "dark"
assert mary_theme == "light"

Create and obtain global variable

Scenario: application requires global option, that can be changed in runtime

By default flakes are created in the "namespace" of the current user. Only the author can see and modify his own flakes.

Global values should not be owned by someone, so here we need "unowned" flake - the flake that is not connected to the particular user. Only sysadmin can create such flakes, so we are going to use ignore_auth=True attribute of the context.

We'll use flakes_flake_override action, that accepts a name of the flake and either updates existing flakes with this name or creates a new one if this name is free. In this way we'll avoid duplicates of the global flake.

# create a flake
    {"ignore_auth": True}, # only syadmin allowed to create unowned flakes with empty author id
    {"name": "global:config:value", "data": {"value": 1}, "author_id": None}

# get the value from the flake
value = tk.get_action("flakes_flake_lookup")(
    {"ignore_auth": True},
    {"name": "global:config:value", "author_id": None}

Example plugins

These plugins implement basic features that can be used as a real-life example of ckanext-flakes usage.


User can rate a package via API action. Add ckanext.flakes_rating.show_package_widget = true to the config and default widget will be added to the sidebar on page.


User can leave a feedback for package via API action. Add ckanext.flakes_feedback.enable_views = true to the config and default page will be added to navigation tabs on page.


Requires python v3.7 or greater. Python v2 support doesn't require much effort, but it neither worth the time you'll spend on it.

Compatibility with core CKAN versions:

CKAN version Compatible?
2.9 yes
2.10 yes


To install ckanext-flakes:

  1. Install it via pip:
    pip install ckanext-flakes
  2. Add flakes to the ckan.plugins setting in your CKAN config file.
  3. Run DB migrations:
    ckan db upgrade -p flakes


# Any user can create a new flake.
# (optional, default: true)
ckanext.flakes.creation.allowed = false

# Any user can validate flake or plain data.
# (optional, default: false)
ckanext.flakes.validation.allowed = true


Provides ckanext.flakes.interfaces.IFlakes interface. Always use inherit=True when implementing it, because it may change in the future.

Currently it provides the following hooks:

class IFlakes(Interface):
    """Extend functionality of ckanext-flakes"""

    def get_flake_schemas(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]:
        """Register named validation schemas.

        Used by `flakes_flake_validate` and `flakes_data_validate` actions.

            Mapping of names and corresponding validation schemas.

            def get_flake_schemas(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]:
                return {
                    "schema-that-requires-name": {"name": [not_missing]}
        return {}

    def get_flake_factories(self) -> dict[str, Callable[[dict[str, Any]], dict[str, Any]]]:
        """Register named example factories.

        Used by `flakes_data_example` action.

            Mapping of names and corresponding example factories.

            def get_flake_factories(self) -> dict[str, dict[str, Any]]:
                def factory(payload: dict[str, Any]):
                    return {"field": "value"}

                return {
                    "test-factory": factory
        return {}



Create a flake.


name (str, optional): name of the flake
data (dict): flake's data
parent_id (str, optional): ID of flake to extend
author_id (str, optional): author ID(can be set only by sysadmin)
extras (dict): flake's extra details


Display existing flake


id (str): ID of flake to display
expand (bool, optional): Extend flake using data from the parent flakes


Display all flakes of the user.

If extras dictionary passed, show only flakes that contains given extras. Example:

first_flake = Flake(extras={"xxx": {"yyy": "hello"}})
second_flake = Flake(extras={"xxx": {"yyy": "world"}})

flake_list(context, {"extras": {"xxx": {"yyy": "hello"}})
>>> first_flake


expand (bool, optional): Extend flake using data from the parent flakes
extras (dict, optional): Show only flakes whose extras contains passed dict
author_id (str, optional): author ID(can be set only by sysadmin)


Update existing flake


id (str): ID of flake to update
data (dict): flake's data
parent_id (str, optional): ID of flake to extend
extras (dict): flake's extra details


Update existing flake by name or create a new one.


name (str): Name flake to override
data (dict): template itself
parent_id (str, optional): ID of flake to extend
author_id (str, optional): author ID(can be set only by sysadmin if flake does not exist)
extras (dict): flake's extra details


Delete existing flake


id (str): ID of flake to delete


Display flake using its name.


name (str): Name of the flake
expand (bool, optional): Extend flake using data from the parent flakes
author_id (str, optional): author ID(can be set only by sysadmin)


Validate existing flake

Schemas must be registered via IFlakes interface.


id (str): ID of flake to validate
expand (bool, optional): Extend flake using data from the parent flakes
schema(str): validation schema for the flake's data


Validate arbitrary data against the named schema(registered via IFlakes).


data (dict): data that needs to be validated
schema(str): validation schema for the data


Generate an example of the flake's data using named factory(registered via IFlakes).

Factories must be registered via IFlakes interface.


factory(str): example factory
data (dict, optional): payload for the example factory


Send flake's data to API action.


id (str): ID of flake to materialize
expand (bool, optional): Extend flake using data from the parent flakes
remove (bool, optional): Remove flake after materialization
action (str): API action to use for materialization


Combine data from multiple flakes

id argument specifies all the flakes that must be combined. All of the flakes must exist, otherwise NotFound error raised. IDs at the start of the list have higher priority(override matching keys). IDs at the end of the list have lower priority(can be shadowed by former flakes).

expand must be a dict[str, bool]. Keys are IDs of the flakes, values are expand flags for the corresponding flake.


id (list): IDs of flakes.
expand (dict, optional): Extend flake using data from the parent flakes


Combine multiple flakes and save the result.


id (list): IDs of flakes.
expand (dict, optional): Extend flake using data from the parent flakes
remove (bool, optional): Remove flakes after the operation.
destination (str, optional): Save data into the specified flake instead of a new one


Partially overrides data leaving other fields intact.


id (str): ID of flake
data (dict): patch for data


Partially overrides extras leaving other fields intact.


id (str): ID of flake
extras (dict): patch for extras

Developer installation

To install ckanext-flakes for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do:

git clone
cd ckanext-flakes
python develop


To run the tests, do:

