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This is the Console Operator Service. It is responsible for managing the Console Node pods. It monitors the hardware on the system and scales the number of cray-console-node replicas to handle the number of consoles, sets the number of consoles per cray-console-node pod, and monitors the health of the Console Node pods.

Related Software

Console Data Service handles recording the current states of which nodes are being monitored by which pods.

Console Node Service handles the direct console connections. The number of replicas is scaled to handle a reasonable number of connections per node without running out of resources.

Watching console log data

All of the console logs are available through the Console Operator service pod, all Console Node pods, and through SMF.

To access the logs through the Console Operator service pod, find the pod name, exec into the pod, then tail the correct console log file. Each node has a console log file in the directory /var/log/conman with the name console.XNAME where XNAME is the full xname of the node.

ncn-m001: # kubectl -n services get pods | grep console-operator
cray-console-operator-677bc95cf9-wt8xt       2/2     Running     0          18h

ncn-m001: # kubectl -n services exec -it cray-console-operator-677bc95cf9-wt8xt -- sh
/ # tail -F /var/log/conman/console.XNAME

Interactive access to a console connection

Each node has the console connection handled by one of the cray-console-node-N pods. The user must exec into the correct pod to connect to a particular node. To find the correct pod that is monitoring a particular node, query the Console Operator Service to find the correct Console Node pod:

ncn-m001: # kubectl -n services exec cray-console-operator-677bc95cf9-wt8xt -- sh -c '/app/get-node XNAME'
ncn-m001: # kubectl -n services exec -it cray-console-node-1 -- sh
sh-4.4# conman -j XNAME

<ConMan> Connection to console [XNAME] opened.

nid001722 login: 

Build Helpers

This repo uses some build helpers from the cms-meta-tools repo. See that repo for more details.

Local Builds

If you wish to perform a local build, you will first need to clone or copy the contents of the cms-meta-tools repo to ./cms_meta_tools in the same directory as the Makefile. When building on github, the cloneCMSMetaTools() function clones the cms-meta-tools repo into that directory.

For a local build, you will also need to manually write the .version, .docker_version (if this repo builds a docker image), and .chart_version (if this repo builds a helm chart) files. When building on github, this is done by the setVersionFiles() function.

Copyright and License

This project is copyrighted by Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP and is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

When making any modifications to a file that has a Cray/HPE copyright header, that header must be updated to include the current year.

When creating any new files in this repo, if they contain source code, they must have the HPE copyright and license text in their header, unless the file is covered under someone else's copyright/license (in which case that should be in the header). For this purpose, source code files include Dockerfiles, Ansible files, RPM spec files, and shell scripts. It does not include Jenkinsfiles, OpenAPI/Swagger specs, or READMEs.

When in doubt, provided the file is not covered under someone else's copyright or license, then it does not hurt to add ours to the header.